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Full Version: Stuff your wallet with easy cash using this simple 2015 adult method [GONE]
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great sales technique you are a real money maker, sorry I missed it!
PM sent, I'm very interested.
I'm waiting your PM, bro...
(04-17-2015 03:38 AM)Master5 Wrote: [ -> ]YOU'VE MISSED IT! YOU'VE MISSED THE MONEY TRAIN

[Image: Money+Train.jpeg]

I told you to ACT FAST for crying out loud! I cannot afford to have this money-spewing system saturated!

The method is going to be reveled shortly behind closed doors to the select few who got on board while the opportunity was open. So prepare to be blown away! This includes only those who've posted BEFORE THIS MESSAGE! OTHERS ARE OUT!

Unless you can profit yourself and or there is a cost involved. Besides, nobody gives away golden nugget opportunities if they are making BANK!
Ignore Hyaanna. The person is a sociopath who lacks basic social skills and gets off by bulling people online or in the real world. Psychologists have found out that those people have fucked up brain structures which cause such abnormal behavior. This isn't really common, fortunately. Only 4% of the world's population suffer from this illness. We'd soon be dead as a species if everyone acted in such a non-cooperative way. Let us pray for his or her better well-being, and let us hope that we don't have children like that.

We should now examine the assumptions that underlie the vicious post. The assumption that "no one really cares" can be proven false just by looking at this thread. Yes, many do care, as is evidenced by 5 pages of posts, this being on of the most viral threads in the last few days. Not that it really matters because I don't care whether someone cares or not. I get more pain than pleasure from doing this because I'm the one who has promised to answer to 40 PM's that are sitting in my inbox. And as any scientifically literate person would tell you, we are driven by those impulses (pain/pleasure). Oh, not to mention that I've spent my time writing out the method in intelligible terms, English being my second language and all that jazz.

The third sentence is not intelligible and the author needs to brush up on his language skills. This is a common feature of the sociopath--nonsensical sentences and problems with anger management.

"nobody gives away golden nuggest opportunities if they are making BANK" Again, demonstrably false. For example Peter Thiel is a multi-billionaire who made a fortune starting up companies, and yet he just published a book called Zero to One on entrepreneurship. Business experts and professors on world-renowned colleges agree that it's full of golden nuggets. This is just an example. Take a look at some of the small-time products uploaded here. Many people are making "bank." And you kinda shoot yourself in the foot there. What the hell are you doing on this site if you don't expect to learn anything? After all no one shares what makes "bank," right? Perhaps you should be the one to get lost. I'm just demonstrating the logical consequences of your thinking.

"So get lost kid!" This is a command. Now it is possible that you utter commands just like that, without expecting people to follow them, but I don't think that's a likely possibility. So I'l assume what's more likely, namely that you utter commands expecting people to follow them. Now tell me, Mr. Rational, why the hell do you think I will do anything you say after your blatant misbehavior? It is stupid to expect that compliance will follow after acting so obnoxiously toward people (of course I exclude violent means of asserting compliance but you can't achieve such means on the internet anyway). If you want people to comply, you need to be kind. So really what's the point? Getting a a short satisfaction fix for your sociopath brain?

So his post is filled with false assumptions, irrational thinking, and sociopath behavior

BTW Ever heard of altruism and reciprocity, Hyaanna? Perhaps you should have those words included in your dictionary. It's the reason our ancestors survived and became dominant on this planet way before we came up with the technological tools we have now. It's the reason why people "re up" content here after it's been taken down. It's the reason why people give to charity.
Pm sent, I'm too late ....sorry
The first people to receive the method are souldrama, MellowD, pexxy, newreader, Doormat, snoopydog2012, andrei21 and Galaxy, ie. the applicants on page #1. Others stay tuned... Tomorrow I will do page 2 if I get time. Patience is a virtue, fellas. Don't act rude, be impatient or like a sociopath. You'll get disqualified.
+5 Rep given.. very intrigued about your method!

Thanks Master5. I received your method.+++Rep added.
I'm late, but i sent a pm anyway. If you reopen the position let me know.
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