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I believe this has been shared before it is called Rent-a-Serp A big fail of an idea. Their so called webinar was to hook you for a service for $900+ where you know d*** well Mash and Potatoes (Mario and Cameron) was getting a kick back and the webinar didn't show you nothing that would help you make money off of making these sites.
Listen up folks you seem to be so hard headed when it comes to making money from the internet. These two A55 Clowns make money from you as affiliates to products or white label products they paid for.
I for one would not waste one hour let alone 1 minute creating or buying a white label/plr products to teach you how to make money with local seo if I was making over $50,000 a month.
I did my own Local SEO for my company 2 years ago and have been on the top ever since. I have now landed a video production company and a dentist as well as a Congressman in running from Mississippi. The dentist pays me a recurring fee $500 per month to do their SEO.
I don't believe Mario and Cameron either one works/owns an SEO company they remind me of my brother and a lot of politicians "Compulsive Liars"
Or at least I've never seen proof of a company from them.
Call it a rant but these two are as bad as Chad Nicely, Todd Gross and Luther Landro FAKE IT Until YOU MAKE IT.