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v3.8.7 many are finding is BUGGY and ANNOYING!
Things are just changing and doing things by themselves. Or folk loosing things etc
I recommend skipping this update and waiting for their next version.
Thanks for the share man.... max reps!
You are welcome my friend!!
Love returned +++++ :)
(10-22-2015 03:33 AM)dacguy Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for the share man.... max reps!
Thanks alot !! Max Rep Added!!
Hi skillnizzle, thank you for share nice theme :)
You have 3.8.8 full?
thank you
Any chance of latest Avada 3.8.8 now released and all fixed the numerous bugs from the previous version this month..... they also updated but had quite a few bugs went somehow unnoticed - but just now all fixed so this new 3.8.8 latest one would be most grateful!
yes pls... 3.8.8 wd be great!
Version 3.8.8 - October 27th, 2015
- NEW FEATURE: new responsive breakpoint settings for site content and portfolio/blog grid to combine with the header responsive breakpoint
- new ‘Responsive’ theme options tab that holds general responsive options like break points, responsive design, responsive typography, and pinch to zoom.
- fixed sanitation from breaking urls with ports (fixes unique case of logo missing)
- added a clearfix for Woo related posts
- fixed image carousel not vertically aligned in firefox
- removed undefined errors
- fixed issue with price for events being out of place
- fixed the 404 issues on icons for old IE versions in light box
- fixed issue of post images not showing in light box when selected
- added Avada alert box styling for cf7 success message
- improved event images to ensure hover effects work and link to single event page for all layouts
- improved pagination of blog short code when used on designated home page from reading settings
- fixed sidebar assignment for portfolio archives
- ensured video previews work on portfolio archive pages
- ensured values missing in theme option fields use default values
- minor styling fix for toggle element
- Multiple blog short codes on the same page now work with load more/infinite scroll
- fixed issue of Sliding Bar Button color being overridden by Theme Options > Sliding Bar Link Color
- improved light box so it can be closed even if you scroll down on page
- fixed issue of content boxes breaking grid on iPad portrait
- minor styling fix to ensure long urls need wrap in event sidebar
- added placeholder for events tribe pro class call if pro version is not present
- improved hover effects for content boxes
- improved characters encoding in breadcrumbs for bbpress search
- fixed footer closing div issue with copyright disabled
- improved RTL menu styling for Header V5
- fixed the flash detection notice in light box in firefox
- fixed issue with woocommerce fields on my account page
- improved meta data styling on single events page
- fixed js error on empty image frame element
- fixed issue with twitter style widget options not working in some cases
- fixed issue of mobile menu spacing when using header 4 with a banner ad
- improved anchor url on different pages to work more conssitently
- fixed light box issue of portfolio featured image opening in new window
- improved short codes content extraction with slider element
- updated avada twitter widget transient
- change instances of 'Sidebar' to 'Widget Section' that were missed in 387
- fixed issue of breadcrumbs disappearing before mobile kicks in
- updated wp_title deprecation for WP 4.4
- fixed issue of Facebook icon broken in footer under iPad portrait view
REQ :)
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