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not in to fiverr at all since i think it's a total waste of time but i do like to download fiverr shit from time to time just to see if there is unique training. this share is a bunch of videos. looks like there is an oto1&2 included. i guess it ain't too bad for a newbie but if you are intermediate to experienced marketer, you wouldn't want to waste your time. i actually watched all the videos but wanted to kill myself after the first one. that voice and personality was absolutely horrible
(04-10-2015 04:55 AM)California Kid Wrote: [ -> ]not in to fiverr at all since i think it's a total waste of time but i do like to download fiverr shit from time to time just to see if there is unique training. this share is a bunch of videos. looks like there is an oto1&2 included. i guess it ain't too bad for a newbie but if you are intermediate to experienced marketer, you wouldn't want to waste your time. i actually watched all the videos but wanted to kill myself after the first one. that voice and personality was absolutely horrible

Haha I totally agree with this the guys voice made my head feel like it was going to explode abut i think this is defiantly a way to start helping people make thier first cash on the internet.
Your thanking everybody but does this work? Is it worth it..?

I'll passssss.....
Thanks for detailed review California Kid

I just saw the $1 outsourced video. Funny thing is they tried to find outsource of seo cleark and odesk.
Common , people on odesk and seocleark and at-least 10 times costly than fiverr.
Fiverr is so saturated
Thanks a lot
I think it's not bad really
(04-12-2015 12:43 AM)dreamcube Wrote: [ -> ]Get this then throw it in the recycle bin.

It's not as bad as you made it look... I would have requested for refunds on the OTOs though.
(04-10-2015 01:12 PM)PeterRogers Wrote: [ -> ]Fiverr is so saturated

I'm fiverr seller. with the right strategies you will get more than $2000/month.
Of course, fiverr is not saturated.
2 points that most important to profit on fiverr:
- get reviews
- get ranked
My focus in this 2 points(there is a trick to achieve),
so, I actually get $1500++ /month
(10-05-2015 11:45 AM)fahen Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-10-2015 01:12 PM)PeterRogers Wrote: [ -> ]Fiverr is so saturated

I'm fiverr seller. with the right strategies you will get more than $2000/month.
Of course, fiverr is not saturated.
2 points that most important to profit on fiverr:
- get reviews
- get ranked
My focus in this 2 points(there is a trick to achieve),
so, I actually get $1500++ /month

what is the trick?
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