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Full Version: [GET] [SUPER HOT SHARE] FB Traffic Hack - (Full Site Cracked By Nokia5233)
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(04-10-2015 07:59 PM)nokia5233 Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-10-2015 07:36 PM)tradefx100000 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Nokia,

Thanks a lots about the sharing..

As I watched the video, he mentioned about software by Sam Bakker that can use to do Retargeting even we not own the website such affiliate and etc.

I tried to find the Link that he mentioned below the video but I can't get it.

Anyone can help to let me know what kind of Retargeting Software is that?

Really appreciate you all help in advance.


I didn't see any software there :(

creo que es esto:
Thank you and max reps added.
Mega is just a piece of shit. it doesn't work
someone make a copy mirror
works fine for me
thanks for the share...rep added
Many thanks for such a nice share nokia MAX REP+ Wink
Thanks a Lot!
Thanks Max Reps Added
Here is the Black Hat Torrent mirror.

BestBlackHatForum Mirror

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