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Too late. Some waited, others begged for another free coupon for this great course, when it was offered at a bargain $10.00 recently.
Now its back up to its normal $247.00. Some folks on here don't know when a deal is a great deal. I'm gonna make a bunch of money from implementing the instructions given in this course. And all I had to do was pay $10.00 for access.

Pigs gets slaughtered.
Good for you, but you do understand that 99% arent even the free coupon worth right, Udemy has become the same shitpile ass the WSO section on WF, so you got lucky with your $10- no need to rub it in to other members...

FYI i have no interest in this course whatsoever, just got annoyed by your comment, thats all.

[quote='devildog' pid='1276235' dateline='1432397631']
Too late. Some waited, others begged for another free coupon for this great course, when it was offered at a bargain $10.00 recently.
Now its back up to its normal $247.00. Some folks on here don't know when a deal is a great deal. I'm gonna make a bunch of money from implementing the instructions given in this course. And all I had to do was pay $10.00 for access.

Pigs gets slaughtered.
$10.00 coupon still work INSPIRE1010
Any free coupons for this
Good for me? Anyone who had the sense not to expect to get everything in this world for free could have also purchased and benefited if they implement what is taught. Instead they get everything free and implements none of it. So what is the point? Bragging rights at all of the free shit they have gathering dust on their hard drives? Big whoop.

Your annoyance at my comment is none of my concern or business. My comment stands.

[quote='Dutch Harry' pid='1276261' dateline='1432398493']
Good for you, but you do understand that 99% arent even the free coupon worth right, Udemy has become the same shitpile ass the WSO section on WF, so you got lucky with your $10- no need to rub it in to other members...

FYI i have no interest in this course whatsoever, just got annoyed by your comment, thats all.

[quote='devildog' pid='1276235' dateline='1432397631']
Too late. Some waited, others begged for another free coupon for this great course, when it was offered at a bargain $10.00 recently.
Now its back up to its normal $247.00. Some folks on here don't know when a deal is a great deal. I'm gonna make a bunch of money from implementing the instructions given in this course. And all I had to do was pay $10.00 for access.

Pigs gets slaughtered.
all coupon is not work, please update new coupon code
Pages: 1 2 3
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