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Full Version: [GET] WP Captain admin 1.4.5
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Captain Admin is a simple but powerful plugin for making your WordPress admin that much better. It features countless options that allow you to make your admin just perfect for you or your client.

You can use the Options area to complete customise the WordPress Admin and Dashboard to your liking, from logos to additional admin color schemes, hiding unwanted areas to adding a custom widget or even an admin notice!

Whether you just want your own dashboard to feel nicer or you’re handing over a WordPress website to a client and feel the standard dashboard will confuse and put them off, Captain Admin is here to save the day!


Download 1.4.5
Thanks a lot for share :)

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Your welcome.
Thank you very much and max Rep added
Yes great enjoy. Cheers.
Thanks ! REP given to OP for sharing!
Thanks! Added reps!
Saw this on another BH forum getting some pretty rave reviews!
Thank you all. Im teally glad I was able add something useful this time.
Wonderful share BigLeech! +Max Rep added.
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