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HEY No Problem Guys-------> Thanks For the Reps!!!! All The links are working Fine as I just checked and made sure! Since they are DIRECT Links You Should Not have any problems Except Server Load --->

I am happy to share with you all. So Since Its not rocket science to figure out the server domain... LET ME MAKE it EASY for YOU ALL


DIRECT LINKS 4 THEMEFOREST ARCHIVE ---> only for you and please dont reshare. But please enjoy your Gifts... ;-)


Magic Button :

Kinda a pain in the ass the way the links posted ... Undecided
ok well you can go direct to the server side and get the links more conveniently then with readable descriptions.

Follow this link --->

After your in the server just go to the directory you want to download from and download! No Bull, No Shit! Just Cool easy free Downloading

Ok Everyone... 42rock Enjoy you next injection of Heart love from yours truly!
wow.. thanks for your contribution..
Just use the main link to the folder:

Use the "Parent Directory" link ON the page to route to the other folders instead of wasting time with all these links
Thanks For Being another Worthless Leech DACGUY !

1. You dont rep
2. You point out the obvious that I even listed at the bottom of my post.
3. You dont even give them the correct link to use that would be the most helpful.

* Your definitely the kind of people that blow when you s.uck! But thanks for trying!

Directory to my Themeforest - Codecanyon - Graphicriver - Photodune archive -

Click Here - My Envato Directory - Click Here

Thanks and
rep added but how do you upload the big file zips to your site does it need to be done via ftp and not directly up to wordpress
(04-09-2015 04:26 PM)Anon101 Wrote: [ -> ]rep added but how do you upload the big file zips to your site does it need to be done via ftp and not directly up to wordpress


Well yes, FTP would probably be your best way to get it done. But depending on your hosting company you can also upload through your control panel through the file manager. as well. If you plan on extracting them once inside your site, then upload .zip files for easy extraction.


Good Luck Cool
YOU RULE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great Stuff TY Repped +5
AMAZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!!!! i wish i could give u more rep+
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