04-02-2015, 07:46 PM
Brianna Graham Actions - Perfect Workflow Photoshop Actions
Photoshop ATN | 78 Kb
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With 42 actions in all, Perfect Workflow was designed to streamline time consuming editing duties. With a robust offering of retouching and enhancing actions at your fingertips, you have the ability to do important workflow-driven tasks, such as retouch and refine, selectively color correct, add contrast, intensity, sharpen and define, and much more! This powerful collection of actions allows you to arrive at a finished quality portrait quickly, and leaves you room to create beautiful images - in a fraction of the amount of time it takes to edit manually! Whether you are retouching your subjects face, skin, eyes or clothing and accessories...or looking to improve your images overall, Perfect Workflow will consistently make your work stand out in the crowd. This collection is powerful enough to be used alone, or in conjunction with ANY of our action collections! Be sure to look through our video library for the best demonstrations of the power of Perfect Workflow!