Any chance in getting the Boom VIP addon?
please help me when they are writing this into the text área <script>$("#container_input, #show_chat li, #chat_panel").html("This script has been locked down illegal use of this script is prohibited please remove it from your server");</script> ...any help!!
/system/location/regions/Ezbouganda.php They know who is the administrator
/js/fancybox/resolver.php drives out users and change passwords from admins in your chat
try to esacpe the post string
They have put many hack command its prefer not to use this script.
this script automatically switches to arabic and will not switchback after installation.
Tried deleting other languages and it fails to load
DL for Addons dont work! REUP please.
please reup
thank you
Can i anyone modified boomchat can upload files (.pdf, .doc, .ppt ) rather than just image extension?
What file should I edited?
Thank you