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Full Version: CONDOLENCE!!! RIP!!! Super Mod Lala :(
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CAUGHT YOU!!! It's APRIL FOOL!!! Biggrin
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hahaha Glad our LaLa is AOK! ;-)

Happy April Fools Day! All!
Lol Biggrin
Never caught !! Lala wont die until the death of internet ......Talk about consistency
Gheez, I got into the trap ;p
That's not a good joke DD. I almost got a heart attack
(04-01-2015 01:19 PM)thobias Wrote: [ -> ]Never caught !! Lala wont die until the death of internet......Talk about consistency
Good to know :)
hahah XD soooo funny
Actually , this time i was not caught,,.....

Lala had previously put a joke on April 1st that Bestblackhatforum admin is no more..

I was scared then, opened the post and knew i was fooled...

This time, i knew on opening that nothings gonna happen...

better Luck next time Mod...
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