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Full Version: HEY- thanks bbhf
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i signed up a while back but only really been active in the last year and a half. was pleasantly surprised when my account was upgraded to vip about 6 months ago. i never asked to be upgraded and never received any notification about it or who did it. then today when i got back from town, i noticed i was upgraded to executive. something else i didn't ask for.

although i don't like asking for things and like to just go about my business, it always feels good when someone can recognize my efforts and dedication and loyalty. just means and makes me feel i am doing something right and someone out there is noticing. for that i say thank you.

i really love this forum and want the best for it.

for those of you who are reading and aren't vip yet and want to be for free, contribute and stay active. let people know your presence by posting. if you can't share products/services, you can share your own knowledge in your own expertise that is relevant to the section of the forum you are posting on. just keep posting SOMETHING and get your presence known, be real and genuine and be patient. have a good time here and enjoy what you do without any expectations of others upgrading you. if you don't have the patience, you can always pay for it...i'm sure the admin loves those payments too :)

stay cool everyone and thanks bbhf!
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