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Full Version: [GET] The I Hate Kale Cookbook: 35 Recipes to Change Your Mind
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Overview: There are a lot of reasons to hate kale. It's an upstart. It's
painfully hip. It's super healthy. Kale will never be bacon. But here's
the thing: If you can get past the hate, you'll figure out that kale is
worth eating. Not just because it's good for you, but also because it
tastes delicious, once you know what you're doing with it. And that's
where The I Hate Kale Cookbook comes in. From satisfying Warm Kale Salad
with Bacon and Eggs to Kale Fried Rice and Linguine with Kale and
Walnut Pesto, this book offers thirty-five simple, tasty recipes that
will turn any hater into a lover.

Magic Button :
Does anyone have a working link for this?

I recently had blood work done and definitely need to increase my leafy greens, especially stuff like Kale. I need this so I will actually like eating it!

Thanks for any help,
PQ :)
(10-12-2018 04:58 AM)PassiveQueen Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,
Does anyone have a working link for this?

I recently had blood work done and definitely need to increase my leafy greens, especially stuff like Kale. I need this so I will actually like eating it!

Thanks for any help,
PQ :)

here you go

Thanks so much for the quick response, SS!
Reps added.
PQ :)
re-up request

I'm a kaleophobic, but I'm willing to give it ago. Thanks for the share.
re-up request

Thanks Still awesome book.
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