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Full Version: (GET) Addons, Theme y Lenguaje King Media Script
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Pages: 1 2
Any body have Adsense plugin???
thank a lot
ye , i also looking for that theme . Anyone help plz ??
(03-25-2015 01:17 PM)sneik Wrote: [ -> ]
Hola amigos aquí les dejo uno cuantos agregados para el Script King Media
[Image: king590x300two.png]
[Image: 3.png]
[Image: 4.png]
[Image: 5.png]
[Image: 6.png]
[Image: 7.png]
[Image: 8.png]
Entre otros pluguins que también tiene

Descargar los Plugin: [hide][/hide]

[Image: 9.png]
Pack de idiomas

Descargar pack de idiomas:
[hide] [/spoiler]

y de regalo un tema:

King Media Barbare Theme:
[hide] [/spoiler]

y por si alguien todavia no tiene el script aca te lo dejo:
[hide] [/spoiler]

Please do you have the


KingMEDIA - Ad Plugin
Same as above, im looking for the yosemite theme and ad plugin
maybe trending slider etc also.

Would be even more awesome if someone had all the plugins and themes <3
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