try there is an article scraper included with auto spinner and 2 different synonym and phrase databases. it can also generate complete websites and wordpress blogs from the scraped/spinned text.
Spinners have their place, but if it's for adsense like getting a site approved. Your better off having it written like at iwriter or have a article re-write from like i use ineedarticles. You really want unique readable content for that!
Mathew Woodward mentioned this one natashanixon .com
so just use scraped unspinned articles for that. or only spin blocks/sentences like argo's pseudo markov algorithm does. google doesn't care about duplicate content. in fact there is no such thing as a duplicate content penalty even matt cutts said so. unless you copy a site 1:1 including theme.. google even said its normal to copy text/image/video content from other sites 1:1 (think of aggregation sites) and as long as you add additional value to it (by including images/videos for example) its perfectly fine. so that being said, if you create a new auto generated site and use copied text it still works to get aprooved for adsense. once you have an account you can get away with much more sneaky stuff anyways. been there done that.