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Full Version: [Get] Dr.Ben Adkins Recurring Revenue Machines
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Thanks for the mirrors! :-)
Thanks for the mirror Sharp, rep added
Hi all

I do not have it all yet, so, i guess there is not need to share modules of basic stuff, really really basic, like what is a newsletter lol

My review:
The idea: Exactly like " PASSIVE PRINT SYSTEM" but pps is way better, see on passiveprintsystem . com

The dr says:
Membership at low price 4.95 to 19.95usd, delivered content by email once or twice a month.
Very basic, sometimes i felt he could not find better words to explain to hundreds of newbies basic stuff like what is an autoresponder.
The shittiest product this man did in his life

The doctor idea is to pick links, and post them in the newsletter, yes you read well, he say just post the link of people articles in a newsletter and sell that, not even write or something.
For the sales letter, was expecting something big, guess what, he shows a S***** basic landing page from leadpages, ask the members to buy leadpages under his affiliate link, just to get access to a copy of his sales letter, the copy-writing details, nada, just, hey guys, copy this bla bla bla.
Ah, in payments, he advise stripe, do not talk about others at all, the dumb do not know stripe is in 6 countries only,
Waiting to see what bullshit he will say about traffic.

Final word:
The concept s amazing, that's the easiest way to start a business, and make real money if you couple that with some fb ads and so.
I have no idea what the doctor smoked whle doing that, but with this course, do not follow him anymore, scandalous.

In PPS, the guy was more real, he created his content etc etc.
He explained all from A to Z.

-Get PPS, forget the doctor ben
-Get fb ads vouchers and bing + adwords, go to fatcow, they have a 75cent/ month (10usd a year) offer, they gave 50usd fb, 50 bing, 100 adwords, fb worked for me, others are just usa and Canada, but there are ways to pass that, check n the forum.
-Get getresponse for free the 1st month.
-Get a plr membership somewhere or use those available here.
-Pack the first 3 months in the autoresponder (then every month do 1 or 2 more month)
-Launch, with the fb, bing, adwords ads.

1000000000000000000000000% sure you make money.

Cost for you:
Domain + a host = 10 usd = 1 month membership plr (wth coupon discount) can be 7 or 8usd = total 18 usd

In 2 days you can start making money and it will be more far better than selling links to articles available online.

Ps: Im working on 3 sites for that, easy peasy to do.

Best regards
While I agree that the Passive Print model is superior in some regards, I have no doubts this model will generate an income if followed assiduously, and I found some useful tidbits and nuggets to add to the PPS model and in fact to anything else.

For example, the idea that being a content curator rather than a content creator can retain it's value if the emphasis is on how the subscriber can take advantage of the content rather than a value based on the simple presentation of the content. He says people don't give a darn about who wrote it, just whether you you can put it in front of them and help them actually apply it, and I suspect he's correct. And I appreciated his point that presenting the material in such a way that it gave them stuff to do until the next issue was published was a strategically useful approach.

While it may be obvious, I also found some value in awareness that the higher price subscription (he aims for $4.95 ranging up to $19.95) means you can offer a much discounted "special" price to get what you actually wanted. And that monthly delivery was superior to bi-monthly or weekly unless some perceived weakness in the value of the content delivery meant that more frequency was necessary. He's simply articulating what any good marketer knows but it's easy to forget the basics, sometimes.

I very much appreciated the detailed over-the-shoulder construction of the sales pages (he does this in Leadpages). While I've created scores of long and short copy sales pages, I've not done any in that style and I'm re-thinking where it might be worth deploying.

I also appreciated many of the resources he suggested, of which I was unaware but suspect will be part of my routine from now on. For example, feedly. Most here might be familiar with it but I was not. It fits beautifully with the creation of ANY curated content, not just recurring income models.

Most valuable of all for me was the module where he walks through the set-up and integration of Moonclerk, Stripe and Getresponse. I think he goes into much more detail on payment issues than the PPS approach and I welcomed that.

So ... personally I'm mostly following a model which reflects PPS with a lot of adaptations; but I will also incorporate some of what I encountered in this product. I place a higher value on it than others seem to. If I was going to conscientiously follow it stand-alone (which I'm not, I'll just use a few bits and pieces as described above, to improve a different model) I'd consider the purchase cost of this to be justified because I have no doubt there will be a ROI.
I've followed Dr. Ben for a while and has in general been pretty happy with his stuff. I have thrown a lot of money after the man lol.

Arbitrage Magician was REALLY good and has made me (and is still making me) a boatload of money every month.

But since then, his stuff started to get really, really bad.

I bought in on this course (sounded good right) and I was sooo disappointed. This is by far the worst rehashed crap ANYONE has ever put out.

And dude, you are right... wtf is all that about sending people links and have them pay for it?

I promise you, that it would be a better business model to simply not sending them anything...

This course is a waste of time (and for... money). Check out some of Tanner Larssons stuff or even Ryan Deiss course from about 3-5 years ago.

(03-25-2015 05:17 PM)tupac Wrote: [ -> ]Hi all

I do not have it all yet, so, i guess there is not need to share modules of basic stuff, really really basic, like what is a newsletter lol
Great reviews here guys. I'll add my own.

Recurring Revenue Machines (RRM) is a very simple and hopefully effective way at making passive income with newsletters. Like most comments here, your linking out the content in your newsletter to articles already published online. Your simply curating content and putting it together in an "action guide" along with hooks to get the reader to really look forward to the next issue. I LOVE the simplicity of the system.

Now the Dr. states many, many, many times throughout the course that you will "doubt the content you are giving to your newsletter subscribers", which is absolutely true, however he warns you of this throughout the entire course (being completely transparent with his intentions) and continuously reassures you that curating content in the manner he explains does "actually work". So really.....who is to say it doesn't??

I think most here (which is human nature) want to doubt the value of what your sending your subscribers and not even try the system out due to this curated content, but WHO is really to say that this method does not work without giving it an honest try. I know I sure as hell do not want to post up a membership portal, upload tons of PLR content, setup a ton of pages, for $20 a month, when I could have easily setup 5 newsletters with curated content during that time for much less effort, yet receive more ROI on the invested time I placed into it.

Again, Dr Ben constantly tells his students in the recorded webinar NOT to over-complicate things as the curated content system works beautifully for him, day in and day out. Could this be a full out lie....maybe! We never know until we test the system out ourself. This speaks true for EVERY SINGLE course out there. The beauty behind this course will only take you a day or two max to have it setup and ready for traffic, so if it doesn't work, then you only lost out on a day or two of work and maybe a few hundred on paid advertising expenses.

I haven't delved into the PPS course yet, but if this one doesn't work out, then I will move onto that course as I realize residual passive income is where it's at in 2015. If I make any leeway with RRM, then I will report my experiences here and watch everyone jump on the bandwagon.

Go out there and give it a one can say that this method won't work until you try it out.
Thanks for the share and reviews.
Does anyone has Session 5?
It's missing session 5...
Can someone please share Session 5?
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