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Special Women's Day Sale to make a difference! Limited coupons will expire in few days.

1. Special Sale: 50% OFF on "Earn Money Building Mobile Apps with NO Coding" course

from QAEversity on Udemy. A $49 course for only $25! Limited coupons

expire in few days!

Course link:

Coupon code: Mobb320

2. Special Sale: 50% OFF on "Mobile App Testing-Android/iOS App Test Automation Using

Java" course from QAEversity on Udemy. A $49 course for only $35! Limited coupons

expire in few days!

Course link:

Coupon code: 3MobM20

3. Special Sale: 50% off on Automation Testing with QTP course:A $99 course for only

Course link:

Coupon code: 3QTP20M

4. Special Sale: 50% OFF on "Advanced Automation Testing Using Selenium WebDriver"

course from QAEversity on Udemy. A $99 course for only $49! Limited coupons expire in

few days!
Course link:

Coupon code: 3Sel21M

5. Special Sale: 50% OFF on "Software Testing,QA Testing, Manual Testing,SDLC,Test

Plan" course from QAEversity on Udemy. A $49 course for only $25! Limited coupons

expire in few days! Course


Coupon Code: 20QA3QA

6. Special Sale: 60% OFF on "Web Services Testing using SoapUI" course from QAEversity

on Udemy. A $99 course for only $40! Limited coupons expire in few days!
Course link:

Coupon code: 2Ser20M

7. Special Sale: 20% OFF on "Master Website Development From Scratch Using HTML and

CSS" course from QAEversity on Udemy. A $25 course for only $20! Limited coupons

expire in few days!
Course link:
Coupon code: HTML3M20

8. Special Sale: 70% OFF on "Advanced Graphic Design-Photoshop CC 2014 for

Photographers" course from QAEversity on Udemy. A $99 course for only $30! Limited

coupons expire in few days!

Course link:
Coupon code: 3CCM20

9. Special Sale: 20% OFF on "Database Testing Using SQL Queries/MS Access" course from

QAEversity on Udemy. A $24 course for only $19! Limited coupons expire in few days!

Course link:
Coupon code: 3DBM20

Jessica Gomez
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