If someone can PM me when it becomes active again, I would greatly appreciate it!
sure upupseo, i'll do that for you, no problem. Would you like me to wash your car, and do your dishes for you as well?
That's just silly. I'll come over and wash YOUR car and YOUR dishes for the active coupon. Feel free to PM me your address as well ;)
@upupseo - just go to your profile and check your comments to see what threads you left comments on so you can track your activity. So leave a note in other words on whichever threads you want to track so that you can always get back to it.
I guess you don't become Super Active BBHF Member for nothing! Thank yyyyou, if it weren't for you, I would've been forced to tidy up ozpod's place. And just between you and me, my heart wasn't really into it.