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YOUR the one who isn't educated enough. bbhf has had a policy where if you require a thread bump AND/OR send links through pm., the share must be in giveaways and NOT the regular sections of the forum.

you learned this from more than one seasoned bbhf member? why don't you state their names then if you believe in what they have told you

since this was already shared, all you did wassteal reps from the op and you hijacked this thread where the op gets little to no credit.

you are the piece of shit saintjohnny and pitbull are talking about.

your only purpose is to rep whore AND to make sure other threads stay at the bottom and yours at the top. you think for one second your thread deserves more attention than others?

you have also WASTED a mederators time because now they have to fix your bullshitthat you created within someone elses thread.

you're not a contributer here on bbhf you're a LEECHER. don't ever be confused about that.

(09-17-2017 06:27 AM)robroy Wrote: [ -> ]Apparently Saintjohnny and Pitbull aren't educated enough in common courtesy to even realize that reps are only a way of thanking someone for providing something for no money that they would have other wise. Ingrates and spoiled brats that think they are entitled don't deserve links because they can't even say thank you. Since their attitude is they won't thank someone even if they got a million dollars then that's ok with me. Links go to good people and thoughtful people not jerks.

Oh, and by the way, I learned this from more than one seasoned BBHF member that do it this way. me outside...ha ba dat?
Thanks robroy for being kind with us :)

(07-11-2016 05:55 AM)robroy Wrote: [ -> ]I have a mega mirror of all as single download AND it includes a separate download of all videos that teach how to install all components on website not included in original.

To get access please rep me and comment on thread to keep thread fresh and then PM me and I will respond with private links.


PS Sometimes I'm not on for several days so be patient. I WILL send you the links!
thankyou soo much
Thanks for sharing
Can someone re-up the updated version? Thanks in advance
Thank you, but can not find downloadlink.
Thank you for your share.
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