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Full Version: [REQ] Author's Graphics Pack Vol3 - More Than 100 Kindle eBook Cover Designs
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Pages: 1 2
Anybody have this package?
(or meybe create a Group Buy )

Sales Page

"Do it Faster. Do it Cheaper. Do it Yourself..."

Finally Now you Can Create Professional Kindle Cover or PDF Book Cover Fast and EASY!

Even you Never Create a Cover Design Before!

[Image: intro.jpg]
Author's Graphics Pack Vol 3

By using our pre-designed ecover
templates can really save you a lot time when creating money-attracting
covers. Also, you can make easy quick cash as a ebook cover designer by
using these templates to create killer ecovers for your clients... Yeah,
it is easy and fun!

Do you want a bunch of gorgeous Kindle
covers YOU can edit QUICKLY? Get instant access to 100+ Professional
eBook cover templates now!
Just Take a Look at The Templates Included...

More Than 100+ Templates in Grand Total...
[Image: 01.jpg]
[Image: 02.jpg]
[Image: 03.jpg]

Heyyyaaaa! We are Still Going…

More Than 100+ Templates in Grand Total...

[Image: 04.jpg]
[Image: 05.jpg]

Fast Action Special Bonuses:

Here's Amazing Bonuses for Fast Action Taker...

[Image: marketing-graphics.jpg]

Sales Page
bumpy bump
Bump for this.
And another BIG BUMP for this sucker...TIA.
please share!
BUMP BUMP BUMP BUMP ..... Mama will kill me if l don't get this one.
Let's start a group buy, meybe 4 or 5 guys. Unfortunataly I can't start a GB, only VIP members can, I tried.

Any VIP Cool members willing to start one. I'm in Welcome
sundul gan...yang punya bisa kaliiih di share...
Pages: 1 2
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