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Full Version: [GET] Social Emailer Platinum - cracked by ENIC
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(03-26-2015 01:24 PM)meassana Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, it works now but can't update groups, contacts, or send youtube message at all. What's wrong ? Please fix it, the cracker ! Thanks

geez, would you stop whining on and on in the null threads
If it doesn't work - it doesn't work.
Pay the developer for his honest work and get the support from him.
I can't offer free support for apps I'm nulling!
I am having the same issues aswell. However you should appreciate the effort ENIC has made. Also there is a right way of asking. He has done us all a favour, please don't take him for granted. Just sayin'....
Guys, if the new version is giving you trouble, please use the previous one, I'll upload it to OP.
I'll try to fix the current crack when I get the time. I'm swamped.
the problem ENIC is that in your signature is not to put this warning

please post complaints unnecessary support calls and redemptions for versions crack no longer work only on Sundays but unfortunately we are closed
The issue is the software forces you to update the software, I cant see a way round this. I deleted the updater file in the installation folder, but made no difference.
(03-26-2015 10:41 PM)lordbarby Wrote: [ -> ]The issue is the software forces you to update the software, I cant see a way round this. I deleted the updater file in the installation folder, but made no difference.

Crap, oh well, I'll see what I can do as soon as I can.
Your da Man! Enic!
Guys, since I'm not using this software myself you'll need to help me debug it.
What exactly is failing, at which stage and are there any errors popping up?
I need to see at which stage exactly does the code break to identify the area that needs further patching.
Clearly just bypassing the login is not enough with the latest updates.

The more detailed the feedback (steps, screenshots) the higher chance to get a working version asap.
Thanks! Cool
Dear Enic,

Thanks for cracking the software, and max thanks for the debug effort...max reps for you!

[Image: Debu2.SocialEmailer.jpg]

[Image: DebugSocialEmailer.jpg]

These are from the Debug Logs from the software...
There is a NEW UPDATE..
Guess it will bring greater difficulty... to crack. What a bumer the constant updating this goes by... Thanks Enic for your effort! I´ll let you guys know what logs came out of it...

Apparently same things happened. I applied the same crack as previous version, it got the program open. Can´t update groups or contacts.
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