hi friends,
a biggest looser of the world is back with his cry baby cry message.
i used cpagrip no money,
used some pop ads no money,
adsense not working,
used affiliate program no money,
sites alexa 1,00,000-1,70,000 .
is their any website who pays per impression as my site have more then 15,000 impressions per day.
suggest me help me please, i desperately need help
it's not so hard to google for websites that pay per impession CPI
can you tell me ur domains url
I thing you need to do seo on your pages and get more traffic
hire some professional or partner
are the good few domains/sites of mine
i really really need help.
help me to make some money pleaseeeeee.
are u getting traffic? how much u r getting per day?
as per google analytics my every site has more than 300+ unique visits per day.
google adsense not working for me ( my site shows in review from last 6-7 months) and i am also not interested in adsense too.
i want to make some money from cpagrip or any other good affiliate program or anything you seniors friends suggest.
If it makes you feel any better.
last year I attempted to run my own PPD website, I only got lazy users who didn't promote their download links or did a poor job at promoting them. At the end of the year I had paid ofer $1,440 in dedicated server fees and huge amounts of my own personal time in administering the website. The only person who made money here was my hosting provider.
Before the above, I tried ShareCash, uploaded a few things and tried to promote my own download links, I got good amount of visitors but no download, I suspected ShareCash was screwing me up so that's why I decided to operate my own PPD later own.
Years before, I used Adsense to try to make extra money on a few website I had, I was making an average of $250 a year before one day, Google emailed me telling me that I have been banned in order to keep the spirit of their network more optimal. I never did anything black hat to get visitors, it was purely white hat, in fact, I wasn't even doing any kind of marketing, just taking advantage of idle traffic for my information only website and some religious website where I was hosting different versions of the entire holy bible in different languages with three adsense ads per page (one at the top, one at the middle and one in the bottom) I wan't violating any policy, but yet, they suspended my account for no reason. That was in around 2010 or so.
I became a member of Amazon associates, I did a shit ton of advertising work but no dice, only got visitors, no buyers.
I maintain my Clixsense membership active, I pay my yearly "premium" membership fee that now its over $17 (they keep increasing it, a few years it was at just $10) and I make over 5 cents a day in commisions doing nothing, except 8 active referrals that I have under my name are active PPC clickers, from them is how I make the 5 cents per day, but still 5 cents a way is NOTHING. Last year I made over $19 in commission, only enough to cover for the premium membership renewal and thats it. On this very same website I spent hundreds of dollars in buying advertisement packages to advertise that PPD business I ran for over a year that failed me, so there was more losses here as well.
At this point I have reached burnout at attempting to make money online and now I get super lazy and skeptical at any method of "making money" online, I have come to believe that it is imply not possible to make money online, except for selling products on Ebay/Amazon using a good supplier which requires a shit ton of physical efforts in actually walking to the post office to ship the products, I wanted to find a way to make residual income with as little efforts as possible.
Now, I only make my living repairing people's computers in my city with no marketing as I get customers thanks to good referrals from my previous customers. I was doing marketing about 15 years ago, I remember printing flyers and distributing them as churches, bridges passways, going for a long walk while handing out flyers, this is how I got my initial customers, and then it got to the point where now I get customers without having to do any marketing, pure word of mouth.
So, in short, the only "method" that has worked for me is my local offline method of making money performing services - computer repair services, and that is my profession as well. I have pretty much given up on making money online. From time to time I might engage in small online projects with the understanding that its a "pastime" where it will very likely not be making me any money passed a measly $10 a month commission at most.
So, in short, you are not alone in failing to make money online. If I can offer you any advice is to make money offline. If you are good with fixing computers, try to perfectionize your skills, and then print out flyers saying that you repair all kids of PC (and Macintosh if you want but first download a few OS X images and create bootable USB and DVD before hand, you will need them to assist you in recovering some of your Mac customer's Mac's specially when they forget your password, you can boot up the OS X setup USB and remove the password from the terminal or menu depending on version of OS X the customer has), etc With time, you will find yourself not needing to perform anymore marketing, your existing customers will give you more customers.
It doesn't have to be computer repairs, that is my example because Computer repairs is my profession, but you can offer web hosting and web design to your local business, same process, create a flyer and distribute them from store to store, then charge like $34.95 per month for web hosting and over $200 for the website. Currently I have two customers paying me $34.95 for web hosting since I recently decided to add "Web Design" as one of the "packages" that I offer. I just use templates and I customize the template to suit a specific customer's needs. I use Host Gator "Aluminum" reseller plan that costs me $24 every month, my two customers are paying for my hosting costs and giving me some profit. I hope to get more web hosting customers, that could be a start of my residual income.
If you decide to sell web hosting to your offline customers, I recommend that you dont call it "web hosting", but call it "web space rental service" or something like that, this will keep your customers from going to google and performing a search to see if they can get a cheaper price, since the term "web hosting" is so over used, you dont want your customer to find out that they could have paid $1 a month for web hosting because they found a super cheap price either on google on one of those over sellers on Ebay, you can elimiate the risk by rephrasing the term "web hosting" to a different term that means the same, but uses different words that very little to none uses. This will ensure that your customer's stays locked in to you.
I will follow the suggestion of supercharger, also what about the content of your sites?
Hey There
1) keeptraffic.com---
The Problem:
You have your domain name about traffic ,the stuff that yoU have on your website related to nothing...
Lot of useless promos
That way you cant really get some $$ from that website .
Ways to improve in my opinion:
Delete all and start fresh,install good plugins and start post about traffic .
You can outsource or write by yourself (not recommended)
Start to send traffic to your website ,you can use free traffic (not the free ads traffic or useless robot traffic),its posts on blogs and forums signatures (old school),when you have good quality traffic start monetize (RELATED TO TRAFFIC)
2) pagesfan.com
The Problem:
Same page like the above (a lot of sh*t)
Ways to improve in my opinion:
use the example above
3) earnfreelike.com
The Problem:
(maybe its only my problem) but i didnt understand what your website about...

Ways to improve in my opinion:
you have some facebook like its good use it you can post about your other traffic sites

,but dont spam and be patient ,remake the website less ads more info about how the website works
4) trafficheat.com
The Problem:

Ways to improve in my opinion:

5) seovisa.com
The Problem:

Ways to improve in my opinion:

6) gameswala.com
The Problem:
Ways to improve in my opinion:
Put few related to games ads on website
maybe add some cool games for download and then profit from it
some cheats maybe i dont really know

7) blinklist.in
The Problem:
bad domain name (org,com,net)(ONLY)(my opinion ofc)
Ways to improve in my opinion:
8) linkarena.in
The Problem:

Ways to improve in my opinion:
9) blogswala.com
The Problem:
Domain name

Website content

Ways to improve in my opinion:
Start from 0
Start to post about some cool blog posts that you see
Some info posts
(Good backlink opportunity )
start with guest shares and people start share their posts or info (think of something)
Send traffic ofc
Let people know about the new posts quickly or give them something

You can earn from adsence ,other blogs ads(contact or offer service)
Use brain its good :)
Dont spam ads its bad :)
And good luck i hope i helped
Have a Great day :)