Was traveling the net and found this little goodie with hundreds of ebooks on every subject from IM to Acne relief. Don't know how many ebooks there actually are in the share but it's a lot in two different folders. Enjoy!
Thanks. There are some pretty good ones.
1847 actually (1.37GB)
Thank you +3reps added.
Is there a way of downloading all the files without having to do so individually?
I only had time to pick a few of them that looked interesting.
(03-14-2015 12:40 AM)SlumdogGeordie Wrote: [ -> ]Is there a way of downloading all the files without having to do so individually?
DownThemAll plugin for firefox
Jdownloader2 works for me.
Lol, we exceeded poor dudes bandwidth. Anyone downloaded all?
(03-14-2015 12:47 AM)edge1 Wrote: [ -> ] (03-14-2015 12:40 AM)SlumdogGeordie Wrote: [ -> ]Is there a way of downloading all the files without having to do so individually?
DownThemAll plugin for firefox
Thanks for that - I don't normally use Firefox and had forgotten about that plug in.