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Full Version: [GET] IObit Malware Fighter PRO v3.0.2.29
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[Image: hfra.png]

IObit Malware Fighter is an advanced malware
and spyware removal utility that detects, removes the deepest
infections, and protects your PC from various of potential spyware,
adware, trojans, keyloggers, bots, worms, and hijackers. With the
improved, unique “Dual-Core” engine and the heuristic malware detection,
IObit Malware Fighter detects the most complex and deepest spyware and
malware in a very fast and efficient way.



Better Protection against the Deepest Hidden Threats

Comprehensive Real-time Protection against Malicious Behavior

Automated or Scheduled Scan without Interrupting

Automatic and Frequent Database Updates


is it good malware?
there is a F****** trojaner inside - get banned M****...

there is a f.u.c.k.i.n.g trojaner inside - get banned m.o.r.o.n....
I kinda knew it when I first saw the post..
(03-12-2015 12:08 AM)crixxu Wrote: [ -> ]there is a F****** trojaner inside - get banned M****...

there is a f.u.c.k.i.n.g trojaner inside - get banned m.o.r.o.n....
don't be crazy...i have given virustotal so use it your own risk.
(03-12-2015 06:19 AM)nokia5233 Wrote: [ -> ]don't be crazy...i have given virustotal so use it your own risk.
are you kidding me? if you know about that why did you post this s.hit here?

carelessness or bad intentions?
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