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All through history, people have learned to use plants to supplement
their diets, and cure their ailments. Progress, for many, meant
relinquishing ancient methods for newer, more modern ones. A visit to
the pharmacy is as natural as a walk in the park – only it isn’t. We now
recognize that in many cases nature’s way is much more effective and
efficient, producing faster and cheaper results. Many of us can’t grow
herbs in our (nonexistent) gardens, but we can definitely find them in
farmer’s markets around us.

I find it very rewarding to apply a cure I made myself using common
herbs. Having introduced vegetables and fruit into my family’s diet, I
now try to use my Grams’ methods for healing of some pesky and annoying
minor ailments, which would otherwise have pushed me to visit the
nearest surgery. So many of the herbs are freely available it is a shame
not to use what is on offer.

In this e-book, you will find some hopefully good recommendations to get you started.

Magic Button :
I am an ardent natural health follower, so many thanks for the share.
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