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Full Version: [GET] Wanna Build A List? Let Me Show You A FAST and Simple Way To Build A 'Laser Targeted' List...
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[Image: howtobuildyourfirstlist_headline_wso.png]
WOW, looks like this bso was not shared yet, and no one even requested it... Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin

don't you just love the trash being sold on the warrior forum, and from a 'doctor' no less... Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin

just like dr ben, there is a new doctor of chiropractic on the scene, who is hell bent on scamming as many people as he possibly can! i am sharing this as usual, for two reasons, to 'learn you something', duh! and to show you, yes you actually need to build your list AND that even junk like this sells!

mark loftis is also a doctor of chiropractic.... p.s. a doctor of chiropractic is NOT a real doctor, they are NOT even allowed to put the word doctor or dr. before their names, they are only supposed to put a D.C. BEHIND their name, D.C. = doctor of chiropractic. there are exceptions but i do not recall them... dr ben does not care anymore, since he does not make any money as a chiropratctic anymore... lol

mark loftis can't do it because he could lose his real job, he could actually get in trouble for calling himself a 'doctor' he is NOT a doctor he is a D.C.

anyway here is his bso, full of lies and half truths and general b.s. you will find in your average bso
[Image: how-to-build-your-first-list-3d.png]
Magic Button :

get it here:
Magic Button :

i just love the part where he says every name on your list is worth a $1 A MONTH to you Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin
'For every 1 subscriber on your email list, you can expect to earn about $1 per month. So in case you're mathematically handicapped... That would mean a list of 8000 subscribers = $8000 per month.'

i bet this dope, cough, doctor of scammerpractic did not make $80 selling this bso! his last bso made him only $245 in sales, who knows what he spent on advertising... p.s. yes, some of these idiots actually lose money selling these bso's

his 100% free method requires you to spend a lot of money just to get started

create your own crappola, like this scammerpractic does, and make money online... if he can do it, so can you! here is a free tip, do a better job than he did and you will make MORE MONEY!

as another caution, as i have said many times, in 2015 there are more people selling solo ads than buying them, solo ads are one of the biggest scams around now, the only people who say solo ads work are the people SELLING solo ads! that is true almost 99 percent of the time, every so often a noob will tell you solo ads work, ask the noob how many sales they made... often none! yes, you will get 1000 or more fake 'people' to sign up to your list but none of them will ever buy nothing from you, many will not even take a freebie from you, why? because they are bogus accounts set up by the solo ad scammers... why do i mention this? before this guy started selling bso's... he was a solo ad reseller, and he promotes them in this bso..... another fyi: he promotes the new big solo ad website udimi a.k.a. because u are a dummy if you buy anything they sell... as in a 'dim wit' = dimwit = idiot ... last time i looked solo ads were not free either... but he calls it 100% free traffic???? oh yeah, this guy must be a doctor, like they say in california, fer sure! Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin
thx for share op backup mirror
Thanks for share, rep added..
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