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Full Version: [GET] The JV Jedi Training by Kevin Thompson ($1997 Product)
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Pages: 1 2
Thx for the share. Are there any files missing?

Anyone figured out the right order for the audios?
HAS anybody gotten the complete package of this course expecially week 2.
can anybody 're upload this? Thanks in Advance
Does not seem to be working anymore.
Still waiting for the smart individual that will upload this.
I downloaded from post #4. Reps to OP and Nokia for mirror.....but not sure if it's complete?

Given that the OP was posted 2 years ago...:
(03-09-2015 11:39 PM)nokia5233 Wrote: [ -> ]
Max Rep OP....backup mirror
Code: Thompson – JV Jedi Training.7z
That this mirror remains alive is quite amazing !!
(And its sales site is still up with the same

Sadly, that multimirrorupload site is also very, very good at crashing browsers when it opens a multitude of pop-ups and such.

Of course one may also ask:
After 2 years has gone by - is the info mentioned in the OP either valid or evergreen ??
Anyone here have comments or reviews of this rather dated info ??
The only mirror that still works is the media fire one. Will need to be able to unzip .7z archive.

With regards to updates, the material is now promoted through a website called

He is currently doing a webinar JV with FTC Guardian guy.
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