Thanks for share, much appreciated.
Reps added.
nice share much appreciated ..repped
This has got to have something of value in it for that price tag.
Thank YOU for the share.
Great Stuiff TY Repped +5
how does a leech get a high end course like this to share? very easy, he downloads it from here to reshare it! or they find it on another blackhat site thinking it would not be found here... sorry, doesn't work that way... we get it first, we are the best, they get it AFTER we do! most people already know this, so why reshare it here?
so he can fool people into thinking he is not a leech...
you cannot do much with leeches, some people are just losers who cannot be fixed, but my question is,
what is worse than a leech who reshares stuff that has already shared here?