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Full Version: Philippines scam! Need help !!
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Hi guys/Girls ;-)

The situation is that my girlfriend, (being completely "normal" , hence trusting in other people), decided to buy a louis viutton bag online, through olx from some idiot in the philippines!
Natuarally she idiot did not have a bag, and left my girlfriend standed with 500usd out of pocket.
Yes, i told her it was a bad idea (my girlfriend i mean).

Now, the situation is this:

I contacted olx and they are going to cancel her account soon i think.
But i have her full name, phone number, home address, bank account information and so on..
I want to make her life a living hell.
I mean, yes i want her in jail, but im fairly sure thats not going to happen, so im thinking something along the lines, of taking a picture from her facebook, and publish it online,, make facebook ads with her face and promote facebook "fanpage"(hatepage), with her personal details and so on..
Naturallly i only promote in her close city ares, so keep cost down! Long live facebook ads!

Any more ideas ??

Please help me!!

This woman does this for a living, and i know she already have more people on the hook for new products she want to "sell"..
If you have the time and need to reveal her scams then i think your best bet i is to proceed with fb ads and group/page. Also u can search for her "local shopping fb groups" and post the scam alert to them.
Hii my many friends stay in phillipines and even my brother. Stay there I think I can help you out I need all that lady information so I can send my brother to catch her.. Pm me the details thanks..
You might want to be careful with the online "campaign".Try to address the authorities and talk to a lawyer,because your "method"could backfire on you.She could hire a lawyer and she could come after you and extort you for more $.
Fb ads is a good idea since promoting in the PHILIPPINES is so cheap.
Make a website dedicated to her and SEO it for her name + scam,so whenever someone is searching for the her name it will come up "name + scam".
For this use offshore hosting which ignores DMCA complaints.
Send her a pile of shit:

Social engineer her into installing a RAT then F*** with her for months on end and find evidence on her computer you can anonymously send to the cops

Buy a bot that will call her every 15 minutes day and night

Create a domain with all her personal information and information about her scams and rank it in google

Hire someone in the Philippines to go throw rotten eggs at her house and video tape it for your viewing pleasure (lol)

Get her IP address and overload it so she can't get online

The possibilities are endless.. but honestly, just let it go. It's best not to get into a negative mindstate and sink to her level. Just focus on building your business so you can wipe your ass with $500.
FB Ads is okay.. Im from the Philippines.. Whats her details?
Use Tagalog language in your fb ads.
My advice is for you to move on. The time and efforts you will expend on that will cost you more than $500...
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