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Full Version: [GET] WP Localhost 2015 [DEVELOPER EDITION]
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Instantwp does work pretty good.
Checking out that InstantWP product and it's free. Get it here:
Here is the PDF the owner of Instant WordPress sells for $27:

Instant WordPress Unleashed
ATTN: New product in Town from Chris Hitman, the owener of WP Localhost!

It is called: Easy WP LocalHost!

So there's that!
I would STRONGLY recommend you AVOID purchasing anything Chris Hitman releases. In my experience his support has been terrible (no response from his support link and after months of nothing, I tracked him down on his personal FB account - which still lead to very little assistance).

As for WPLH 2015, it was pretty handy at first. Admittedly it has some automated features that xammp/Instantwp don't have. But if you tried to update the WP OS version on a test site it broke the site, then if you tired to reset that site it hung up the tool and you lost one of the available test sites spots going forward. So it turned out to be fairly useless. I reported the issues to Hitman, who acknowledged the issues but offered no fix. FYI - This tool was never updated once during the 12 months of support originally offered. Pretty sure he doesn't update his other products either, so I don't buy them any more.

Maybe he's calling this latest product Easy WPLH so he can get away from his failed prior product and to avoid any backlash from existing customers. BTW - He has not announced this new product to his existing WPLH list...

Good luck to anyone wanting to risk their time and money. --brick

I joined this forum after being burned so many times by crappy products and the devs that pump them out. I found others like you who offered real assistance and opinions on these products to help make better buying decisions. I hope this review helps in a way to give back to the community that offers so much. Thank you to all here that make this place shine.

wplocalhost mac and pc

Thanks - but that is last years version - don't know if it's been updated.

(02-21-2016 01:25 AM)searchbot Wrote: [ -> ]wplocalhost mac and pc

Installing on a localhost is messy and really only for geeks with nothing better to do.

It is not practical for testing because it does not match what you get online.

So I thought I would share how I do it.

First off you need a spare domain, not one per site, just one, so that is about $5 for some TLD's next you need some hosting, well if your a developer I figure you got that, but if not PM me and I will hook you up with unlimited everything for under $50 for the first year, then under $9 a month, oh and it includes a domain with whois privacy.

So with your "DEV" domain all you do is create a sub domain and grab a copy of BackupBuddy from this site.

So if you if your site is and you have a client called IBM you can create a sub domain called, you can host it in about 30 seconds and install Wordpress in another 30 seconds with a 1click install.

You then take the wp-config details of that 1click site,
move the front end files to a spare folder up one level
FTP the backup of your live site and importbuddy
Enter the details from WP-config telling it to delete all existing tables
follow the restore options
login as wp-admin
go to settings, reading and discourage search engines.

You now have a clone you can mess with, there are some plugins that will sync updates from one to the other

You can buy backupbuddy unlimited for $300 and charge clients to use their cloud storage, thus providing you with an additional source of income (double or triple price of storage).

If you are using a decent hosting company you will be able to host unlimited domains, sub domains, databases, bandwidth and everything.

So unless you are just a tech person who likes to waste time, do not waste your time.
I bought the 2015 version to try out and I liked it. I've been building
WP sites for years and have a good handle on how to set them up
and make them look pretty.

I wanted to play offline which is why I got the old localhost version.

I looked at the new one and it seems really quick and even faster than last years
version. I haven't bought anything for 4 days so I'm going through withdrawals probably.

So if anyone has the new one with the OTO or can do a small GB with trusted members
here, I'd be into it.
Here to version free of a good localhost:

USER: root
PASS: vertrigo
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