I think the problem is that it's so easy that people instinctively try to make it harder then it is. Basically you find a good offer. You do a little research and find a bunch of good keywords. You send a lot of traffic to that offer and you get paid. (smile) Keep in mind, best practices are for you to start low with your budget until you start seeing some action. It will take about five days for your campaigns analytics to start making any kind of sense as to how your campaign is going. Also, keep in mind that when you run an ad with Bing you'll get access to their support team. Most of Bings support team is very knowledgeable so if you find someone there that knows what they are doing, stick with them until you learn how to do it yourself. IF the person at Bing does not know what they are doing just call back and get another support person to assist you with your campaign.
(03-08-2015 10:51 AM)Batmans Wrote: [ -> ]@welovemoney
I definitely would suggest trying it. Actually, to be more specific... I definitely am going to try it myself and if it works we will be adding this to our list of proven strategies over at http://NBAY.COM/cpanetwork. How about we both give it a test run this week and then compare notes at the end of the week? Whatever works best, we'll run with it. (smile)
Ok Batmans, that sounds good. I'll keep you posted. And thanks for everything including your kindness!!
Thanks to Batmans for his extensive comments and help to others! +10 for you!
and Raidernation for the Mega mirror +5 too!
My only comments are that this works. I know because I have used the sites in this guide for a while. My strategies and tactics are already way more advanced and fine-tuned than those of the product creator, but I have been at this for a while too. CPA marketing is the biggest growth area of my business.
NO refunds, NO fulfillment, only simple resources needed, and super-easy to do!
As for the mor.ons posting here who won't spend chump-change like $20 for upsells or $300 a month to make thousands? You need to go back to your 9 to 5s AND stay there! You are hobbyists looking for free handouts - NOT business people!
The same goes for all the leechers in this thread who think their existence in this forum means anything - it doesn't!
Crawl back into your holes - then dry-up and die! You have never contributed anything here so you are useless fodder - dead weight! Leecher is a 110% appropriate label for you broke as.sholes!
You DO NOT belong here (or anywhere) where serious people are making money! Your very presence with your hands held out corrupts this thread, diminishes the value of this forum, and is 200% patently offensive! So - just hit the f*cking road and crawl back into whatever shit-filled crevices you came from!
Back to the penniless, mindless asswipes that never want to spend money to make money ... If you started a brick-and-mortar business - and only needed $200-$300 to start it - with NO employees, NO hardproducts or inventory, NO overhead - just your skills - how f*cking fast and how often would you do that in the real world?!
I will take that deal every day - ALL DAY! The differences in the posters that are the moneymakers here compared to the dreamers - is that they measure ROI - which means they KNOW they must spend money to make money! Getting $5,000 to $10,000 back on a $300 to $500 monthly investment is a NO BRAINER for them.
Others who won't even risk $300 to do the same things are idiots, kids, amateurs, and wannabe marketers!
My Grade: 4 / 5 stars If the writer/seller had spent just a little more time and effort on this, he could have charged a few hundred to a few thousand dollars for it - and gotten paid by lots of willing buyers.
There is a lot more about this that he either doesn't know or isn't willing to tell. But the concept and resulting process is absolutely, positively sound and works like gangbusters!