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Looks promising and send samples to and price list also
(03-25-2015 03:08 AM)sivaram007 Wrote: [ -> ]Looks promising and send samples to and price list also
Hey, I sell lots of Jon Leger stuff, including INEEDARTICLES.COM along with Best Spinner, Article Builder, etc.

Would like to peruse a sample or two and also match to Copyscape and possibly partner with you.

Could you also include rates, turnaround time, etc?

(03-25-2015 04:03 AM)NoWnZeN Wrote: [ -> ]Hey, I sell lots of Jon Leger stuff, including INEEDARTICLES.COM along with Best Spinner, Article Builder, etc.

Would like to peruse a sample or two and also match to Copyscape and possibly partner with you.

Could you also include rates, turnaround time, etc?

pm sent
send me sample at skype "c.n.prajapati"
(03-25-2015 05:22 PM)cnprajapati Wrote: [ -> ]send me sample at skype "c.n.prajapati"
We have chat already there. Please check.
can you send me a sample please and contact details please
(03-26-2015 09:13 AM)Rushie Wrote: [ -> ]can you send me a sample please and contact details please
Still accepting more people.
send me sample please
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