03-03-2015, 07:53 PM
[GET] QooY.com Mirror Creator Clone PhP Script v2.0+Latest 2014 Adons
Qooy.com is a Web 2.0 file mirroring service
with the most advanced features and technology. Just upload your file to our
server, it will be automatically distributed to several free file hosts. After its
uploaded, you will get download links to these sites. We use latest
technologies like ajax, php, mysql, curl and a Web 2.0 design for your
pleasure. All uploads are multi-threaded meaning it will be done parallel
reducing .
DEMO:--- http://www.qooy.com
All the uploaded files in the server will be uploaded immediately to other
mirrors. Once that's complete, file stored in your server will be cleaned up by
a cron job which executes automatically every 6 hours. This will reduce the
need of huge storage space in your server.
with the most advanced features and technology. Just upload your file to our
server, it will be automatically distributed to several free file hosts. After its
uploaded, you will get download links to these sites. We use latest
technologies like ajax, php, mysql, curl and a Web 2.0 design for your
pleasure. All uploads are multi-threaded meaning it will be done parallel
reducing .
DEMO:--- http://www.qooy.com
All the uploaded files in the server will be uploaded immediately to other
mirrors. Once that's complete, file stored in your server will be cleaned up by
a cron job which executes automatically every 6 hours. This will reduce the
need of huge storage space in your server.
Download Mirror:---