Ciao mazgalin,
Benvenuto ;)
Sono gia 3 anni che conosco questo forum sono un webmaster e webmarketing specialist-
Se c'รจ qualcuno serio sono qui per collaborare e fare qualche soldino se possibile.
Gente per fare soldini c'e sempre. La differenza e che certe cercano soldi veloci. Io cerco di creare aparte i vari soldini veloci anche qualcosa che puo portare del guadagno sempre nel tempo.
Ciao a tutti,
I do not know much Italian, however, I have a website with an offer almost completely in Italian. Why would I do this if my native language is English (American)? Because there is supposedly so much more opportunity in other countries for websites, Italy included. I used Google to translate my pages, and I'm sure they're not even close to perfect Italian. While correcting my Italian pages would be nice, I'm really writing because I'd like to offer a percentage of any affiliate earnings or Adsense to anyone who is good at SEO and could make my site better that particular way. I'm using a responsive theme, so I should be ok when the next Google animal comes out in a couple weeks. If anyone would like to take a look and tell me if they're interested, feel free to send me a private message for the website.
Ciao simonbrunson,
Benvenuto :)
Allora ce ne sono un po :-) Ciao a tutti
Presente anche io Italiano, piacere Alex