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Full Version: [GET] WP Social Networks Auto Poster v.3.4.12
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[Image: snap.png]

Nulled from a latest clean version (downloaded from devs) by me personally.

Sales page:

Magic Button :

Do leave a feedback for others to let us know if it works fine for you.
Thanks! Cool

*UPDATE: Snap Universal API is NOT included in this null. This adds autoposting to Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn Company Pages, Reddit, Flipboard, YouTube. As a result, those services work work with this null.
Must speak to BBHF Mod, to raise the rep limit to 100 for this share ::)

Thank you awesome work!

Thank you awesome work!
Snap Universal API would be awesome. ?
(03-02-2015 04:31 AM)jdgp42 Wrote: [ -> ]Snap Universal API would be awesome. ?

Yes it would Biggrin
Great share thanks, rep added
Thanks 5***** Reps For You

But for My Needs its not working

This version of the plugin is not compatible with Wordpress Multisite Edition. Please contact your Network Admin for the upgrade

Next Scripts: Social Networks Auto Poster Options
Plugin Version: 3.4.12 [Pro - Multiple Accounts Edition]

You are running SNAP Single Site Pro
This version does not fully support Wordpress Multisite (ex Wordpress MU).

You can use SNAP for your main blog only. Click here to setup it.

Please upgrade to SNAP Pro for Wordpress Multisite to get all features:
- All Blogs/Sites autopost to networks configured by Super Admin
- Each Blog/Site Admin can configure and auto-post to it's own networks
- Super Admin can enable/disable auto-posting for each site and the whole network
- Super Admin can also manage/setup/disable/override SNAP settings for each Blog/Site.
Gracious Amigo
I bump 4 the API googl pinz a must
I am selling a imacro to sign up to bestblackhatforum with hundreds of premade and spintaxed usernames and email accounts pulled from our server.

This Imacro then signs up, confirms email, signs in then automatically comes to the post of your choice (simple user interface) so for example this thread:


It then parses the html for "MBB.reputation 161372, 1165001:" clicks the link, signs out, refreshs cache and history, changes proxy and then signs back up with a new username all automatically, all you have to do is provide the code: "MBB.reputation 161372, 1165001:"



*caution this is a real donation button, not intended for real use, just for a laugh really.

Because of this :)

(03-02-2015 04:11 AM)sharp Wrote: [ -> ]Must speak to BBHF Mod, to raise the rep limit to 100 for this share ::)

Thank you awesome work!

P.s great find, already use this as a must for all sites nice job :)
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