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Google updated since 2012 and they need a 25$ deposit first for you to get those 75$ ,it's not like good old times , you have to spend money and if you dont know what you are doing you will probably lose everything .
(02-27-2015 05:21 AM)yarddog2k Wrote: [ -> ]I see a problem with this method right off the bat: Even if you use vouchers in your Adwords account, you must have a credit card on file with Google before they will activate your ads. I've tried every way imaginable to get around this step, but, in the end, you must submit credit card information to your Google Adwords account or your ads will never activate. I have over $200 in my Adwords account right now. If I try to make an ad go "active" I get a message from Adwords that I have not completed my billing account by submitting credit card info.

You NOOBs crack me up! Biggrin

You seriously want to do this? (NOT that it works, but it might.) And yet, none of you can get afford a prepaid debit card or a VCC? There are hundreds of these available offline and onlne!

If you want to take this tiny risk, you have to part with something! If you can't afford a prepaid debit MC or VISA, you have bigger problems than trying to make this work!

Anything with Adwords takes Google believing you can pay the bill! And EVERYTHING worth doing is going to require taking your money out of your pockets. None of you really believe you can make serious money without spending any money, do you?

It's called: RISK a little = a potentially BIG REWARD!

Geeez! You guys are too funny - You keep me rolling in laughter! Biggrin
Think we can put this by Google? I know it is easy enough to get gmail addresses to open up new accounts, but what about the proxi thing? I don't know how to change proxies in my browser.

I have my own product to promote, so wondering how I can keep doing this and fool Google?
(02-27-2015 05:21 AM)yarddog2k Wrote: [ -> ]I see a problem with this method right off the bat: Even if you use vouchers in your Adwords account, you must have a credit card on file with Google before they will activate your ads. I've tried every way imaginable to get around this step, but, in the end, you must submit credit card information to your Google Adwords account or your ads will never activate. I have over $200 in my Adwords account right now. If I try to make an ad go "active" I get a message from Adwords that I have not completed my billing account by submitting credit card info.
Try using those $25-$50-$100 Visa or MasterCard credit cards the ones you throw once all funds are used.
ip has to be changed for sure, plus new cc, similar as with new account for ebay
Just enter your city if you're from the U.S
Boy that is a lot of prepaid debit cards to have to keep buying. That will take some money at about $7 each and the funds to load them.

There's Black Hat and then there's fraud.

You really think this is a viable business strategy? Trying to defraud one of the largest orginizations on the web?

Utter garbage.
vanilla prepaid card works great
Im outside the USA....can someone help with a proxy to show Im in the USA...I use TOR....would that work???
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