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Full Version: [GET] My own made PaidVerts, Traffic Bot, DigAdz, AddMeFast, Instgram bots for free!
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Thanks, +rep
what the password? regular doesn't work
+rep given :)

what's the password, please?
hi dear

rar password is - fonexbot . But i don't know bot are working or not !

sorry forgot to mention that one :/
Hey, fonetic. The DigAdz bot is not works well i think. After login, you are redirected to index.php, then back to digvalues.php
back to index.php, back to digvalue.php, back to index.php (multiple
times, then the same with digbonuses.php and digpoints.php). Fix this and tell us please. I just tested for DigAdz, and not test to the other bot yet like Instagram bot. Welcome
(03-20-2015 11:56 PM)otarockaffella Wrote: [ -> ]Hey, fonetic. The DigAdz bot is not works well i think. After login, you are redirected to index.php, then back to digvalues.php
back to index.php, back to digvalue.php, back to index.php (multiple
times, then the same with digbonuses.php and digpoints.php). Fix this and tell us please. I just tested for DigAdz, and not test to the other bot yet like Instagram bot. Welcome
just released an update :) it should work now, and thanks a lot for the info.
when not extract (with password) virustotal result 0/57 it seem to look ok

when extract file and zip to scan it again ,found this ???

for example of scan result
yeah ive been asking that on ubotforums seems like it has a lot false detections... dunno.. no viruses from my side
(03-22-2015 10:17 PM)fonetic Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-20-2015 11:56 PM)otarockaffella Wrote: [ -> ]Hey, fonetic. The DigAdz bot is not works well i think. After login, you are redirected to index.php, then back to digvalues.php
back to index.php, back to digvalue.php, back to index.php (multiple
times, then the same with digbonuses.php and digpoints.php). Fix this and tell us please. I just tested for DigAdz, and not test to the other bot yet like Instagram bot. Welcome
just released an update :) it should work now, and thanks a lot for the info.
Hello, fonetic. Another mirror, please. Uploadable is wait for 20 minutes to download the next file. Thanks.
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