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Full Version: Help! Bringing down a website
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These guys may be able to help you:

Be sure to be respectful when you ask them for help, as they are busy people.
dO YOU HAVE money in your pocket ?
Even if that is his own site he would be violating the terms of service of his hosting provider, not to mention disruption of service to all the other users of the shared host. I doubt there is one single company that would let any client stress test their infrastructure, it would cause problems to other clients and the infrastructure itself.
(02-22-2015 05:37 PM)Felixchip Wrote: [ -> ]It's the owner of the website that asked me to initiate the attack.
He need to take down another site and so he asked me to take down his for a Test
so as to know if I can do it.

Please, your help will be much appreciated. It's not a revenge.
If you check my profile you'll see that I'm not into that.

Thank you.
This is not what we are about. To actively destroy something built by another is not on, and to not consider those on the same shared server is even worse.

James Vinc
Pages: 1 2
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