is anyone facing problem with this tool?? anyone tried?
Tried and tested, works like a charm. Thanks for sharing
Not working, not able to connect.
thanks for share!!!
Max reps added+++
First of all thanks for sharing,
I think this tool dont work, if you put your link on the site to get some pings " backlinks " it shows you that your site is backlinked but if you check those backlinks sites they say " This is usually a temporary error during hostname resolution and means that the local server did not receive a response from an authoritative server " !! what do you think ?
agreed, majority of the created links are junk
either malformed links, junk url formation or dead sites.
there are a few useful and genuine stat sites etc in there, but really needs cleaning up.
as for the ping part, I'm unsure if that's done or via who etc.
Thanks for the pointing this out
thanks for sharing. It is very useful for me.
Do you think this is still working as of now..? i check my backlinks since now but never seen any backlinks created from that site.