Got my own setup if you're interested pm me to try it
Installing was easy butt when i post i get this message
" Feed story publishing is disabled for this application."
(04-11-2015 05:11 PM)inestor Wrote: [ -> ] (03-11-2015 06:41 PM)Blad3_sv Wrote: [ -> ]
You can Schedule posts to groups,liked pages,user pages,profile. create 10 facebook accounts and join in 300 groups with them,and set them in to post it is something,you can set up 20-30 facebook accounts,not just one.
is there also a tutorial how to make a app in 3 minutes.
after you create an app,you set the rest of facebook accounts like testers.
you can schedule post to 5000 groups/5000 liked pages
And you will not get banned,best time to set up is 100-150 secconds for post.
we have 800+ users.join us-is free to create account the way how to create facebook app
is there any limitations to the number of FB group posts one account can make??
When will Admin approve using??
is this still valid ???
so it's a codecanyon script i see hmmm
so this is not FREE ? And we have to pay $10 a month ? Get yourself out of here. Its BBHF
(03-10-2015 02:16 AM)worldmoney Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,
lates version:
Hello, Could you please upload it again? All links are dead :(
Thanks in advance!
This should not be titled [GET] because it is not free.