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Full Version: [GET] ZSubmitter 100% WORKING CRACK + HOW TO USE IT
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Seems to only update to a heavily outdated version from November 2014 when it updates, for me at least. Not the best success rate, but still creating some accounts and posts though. Pretty impressed.
I am giving it a try bro.
The right install steps - only works on 64 bit
1. install ZSubmitter.exe
2. rename ZSubmiatter64_EDE_CRACK.exe to ZSubmitter64.exe
3. copy above file ZSubmitter64.exe to folder \Program Files (x86)\ZSubmitter\ and replace original file.
4. on desktop change shortcut of zsubmitter from "C:\Program Files (x86)\ZSubmitter\ZSubmitter.exe" to "C:\Program Files (x86)\ZSubmitter\ZSubmitter64.exe"
5. click right - run as administrator and run app

Every time you run this app run as administrator.
This work for m on win 7 64bit
Soft is ok for install and start (win8 x64) but button project no work for me.
Had that problem, just update it and then click project again.

Love to try it, but not at the cost of a trojan being installed.
thanks this work
Thank you rep added :)
Nice share, +rep
thanks for this tools , very helped
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