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Full Version: [REQ] Tumbling Jazz - Bot for Tumblr
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After searching a lot in BestBlackHatForum, I found the old crack version of this tool (which allows you to manage multiple account, create account, auto post ....) but now, it doesn't work.

It would be amazing that somebody could crack the its newest version.

Sale page:
Old crack version:

Thanks in advance.
I agree..I'm also in desperate need of a Tumblr bot
Any one please ??
buubububu up
It's a simple fix that can be applied to any update, using the original crack shared here.

Download latest version direct from here:
Magic Button :

1. Install Tumbling Jazz latest version (you can apply this to any update). Do NOT open the program yet.
2. Download the following files (from the original crack)
Magic Button :
3. Extract the Rar file containting the three DLL files.
4. Copy and paste them in the installation directory where you have Tumbling Jazz.
5. Run Tumbling Jazz


If you find this remotely helpful hit me up with +reps!

NoWnZeN thank you very much for the share, but the link with the DLL files does not work. I've downloaded the previous cracked version but there are too many DLLs and I don't know which are the right ones. Can some one reuplod them or just name them here in the thread.
Link fixed, try again :)

(07-14-2015 05:31 AM)bigguz Wrote: [ -> ]NoWnZeN thank you very much for the share, but the link with the DLL files does not work. I've downloaded the previous cracked version but there are too many DLLs and I don't know which are the right ones. Can some one reuplod them or just name them here in the thread.
wow man that was fast, thanks again. + repp. I downloaded the files, followed the instructions, but when I try to run the exe it syays "compulsory update" would you like to download it now etc. If I click no, it closes the app, if I click yes nothing happens.

After that happened, I reinstall the app then I tired to run the exe without the DDLs from the crack with intention to try to updated the app and then paste the DLLs, same scenario is happening.

How do you think, what what could be the problem?
I think they modified licensing structure and this may only work up to a certain version.

Let me look into this and I'll see if I can't reach HotCrack, too.

I'll PM you when all figured out. Please give me some time ;)

quote='bigguz' pid='1343887' dateline='1436817195']
wow man that was fast, thanks again. + repp. I downloaded the files, followed the instructions, but when I try to run the exe it syays "compulsory update" would you like to download it now etc. If I click no, it closes the app, if I click yes nothing happens.

After that happened, I reinstall the app then I tired to run the exe without the DDLs from the crack with intention to try to updated the app and then paste the DLLs, same scenario is happening.

How do you think, what what could be the problem?
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