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Thanks for sharing and for the reviews - looks as though it may be helpful for my own local website +5Reps
I can put this with my other training that I'm taking now and see how it goes.. The OTO looks interesting but we'll see. Thanks for the effort and reps your way.. Fizzz
Rep added.

Thanks, looking to get into local SEO so will definitely have a look a this. Some mixed reviews but will give me a starting point. Anybody any recommend other stuff for local seo?
Try Essential SEO Training For Successful Web Marketing or SEO That Works by Brian Dean. I got them both from BBHF so you should be able to find them here.
(02-14-2015 01:20 PM)rikkiblakk Wrote: [ -> ]Could you recommend a better one, pls?
(02-14-2015 12:57 PM)YouKnowStuff Wrote: [ -> ]I've watched most of the videos and I don't think I would hire this guy to do SEO for me. He's pointing out a lot of basic stuff and nothing really all that helpful about building traffic. Some of his advice is very poor such as using Quora to get backlinks. A quick search to find out if you can get credit for backlinks on Quora brought up multiple responses like this one:
"On Quora, if you attempt to drive traffic to an external site without providing any value to Quora, it is considered as spam."
Yes, I may be amiss about the traffic concentration remark. There were just a few things that bugged me a bit about what he recommends such as getting backlinks from Quora. I just wanted to point that out, along with a caveat that perhaps some of his suggestions might be worth a bit of verification before diving in. There were definitely some useful portions, especially for people new to local SEO, but the OP asked for reviews, and this was my take on it. Like a lot of courses, some of the info may be no longer valid, etc. so it's good to do a little research, ie. before investing a lot of time attempting to build backlinks, etc. on sites that no longer give them any value.
Again, I do appreciate the OP providing this course as it does indeed have value.
(02-14-2015 04:29 PM)dandyrandy Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for this share. Rep +5 given.

@You Know Stuff....Considering your comment about not enough concentration on traffic...I think you're looking at this stuff, with the wrong mindset.

SEO is the practice of "obtaining traffic" by way of ranking the right keywords. IF the right keywords are the ones ranked, the RESULT will be the traffic you want.

This course is primarily about SEO, which is just one way to get that traffic. If the course was just about traffic, you'd see more emphasis on paid traffic, or Facebook ads, or something that brings massive traffic, that may, or may not be, wasted money and effort.

With SEO, the traffic that results, for ranking the RIGHT keywords, IS the ultimate goal. 100 of the right visitors, could be far more valuable than 100 times as many, of the wrong visitors. If you had shot your wad, getting those 10,000 visitors, and no one bought anything (and if you didn't make any money any other way, off of those visitors), you'd have wasted a shit ton of time and effort, and maybe money too.

SEO targets certain visitors, and if done right, will reap the most benefits. With local SEO, the visitors are even more likely to be in the market for whatever service this local business provides, than just getting a bunch of people to visit the site who say to themselves: "Nice site, but I want a T-shirt, not a chiropractor."

Now, with that being said: Luthor sucks, but there are usually some tidbits to be gleaned from his stuff. I've yet to see that "gem" he's offered up though.
Thanks for the suggestions @YOUKNOWSTUFF, will try to find them.
Thanks OP for the share Rep+

Also thanks for the various reviews throughout the thread!
(02-14-2015 12:57 PM)YouKnowStuff Wrote: [ -> ]I've watched most of the videos and I don't think I would hire this guy to do SEO for me. He's pointing out a lot of basic stuff and nothing really all that helpful about building traffic. Some of his advice is very poor such as using Quora to get backlinks. A quick search to find out if you can get credit for backlinks on Quora brought up multiple responses like this one:
"On Quora, if you attempt to drive traffic to an external site without providing any value to Quora, it is considered as spam."
That response doesn't say anything about not being able to use Quora to get backlinks, so I hope no one is using this argument as a reason for not taking action. And who said anything about not providing value? How long does it take to type out an informed answer to a question? Even Neil Patel recommends using Quora. But I'm sure "Arp Ana" knows more than Neil, lol.

BTW, a quick search to find out if you can use PBNs to rank will bring up multiple responses that says they don't work,or Google bans everyone who uses PBNs, lol. I guess all those people who recommend them are poor at seo, lol.

(02-14-2015 08:40 AM)DataPimp Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-14-2015 08:35 AM)YouKnowStuff Wrote: [ -> ]+5 reps added. Rather interesting videos so far. Most of the methods I already know but he absolutely does NOT endorse PBN's though and says they are harmful.
Seems to be a lot of people both for and against PBN's.
I've got my own thoughts about PBN's and that is they work for now but once google finds the footprint (and they will) say goodbye to your website.
I foresee a lot of people crying over short term SEO strategies sold as long term SEO strategies.
Remember linkwheeels?
Linkwheels were basically PBNs before everybody started calling websites blogs. So, yeah, they're still working pretty well today 10 years later, lol. As for long term versus short term, well, even so-called white hat strategies aren't long term.
bluedot Wrote:Here is a link to download the sales video, if you are like me and like to watch/listen at a later time: :D


Thanks for the share!!
Thanks for the share, max reps added
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