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Full Version: [REQ] Underground Kindle Cat System
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Magic Button :
I agree, this looks good. Anyone have it already?
i would like this one too. tks
Don't waste your time.

Here's the problem with this particular product.

The guy claims to be a bestselling author with the photoshop book photos and yet the 2 weight loss books he's claiming he's making a killing with aren't even listed on Amazon, not even under his author profile.

He only has two books which are doing mediocre at best.

And the two that are (Twitter and Procrastination aren't bestsellers. He doesn't even have the ability to use the Amazon Bestseller logo for his books.
Thanks B.A.M for your input, reps for u
Why have your titled "Underground Kindle Cat System?"
Short for CATegory perhaps...
Thanks for the info!! Helps
Bump for this.
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