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Incansoft offering free membership to their tools. This was sent today.


How are you and how's your business doing?

I know we haven't been communicating as usual for the past year and I
apologize for that but things are about change...

This is a special year for us, it's our 10th anniversary and I'm super
excited for what's coming.

But first let me share with you a little story on how we started...

10 year ago I was looking for online opportunities, my first stop, the
Warrior Forum, I tried almost every technique that I read over there, most of
the time with little or no success.

Adsense was a super hot topic on those days, so I remember setting up a quick
niche site with a bunch of Adsense code around.

I was looking for cheap ways to start sending traffic to that site, one of
the first options I tried was buying a traffic package from one of those bulk
traffic services, I think it was like $2 or $3 for 1,000 visitors, so I tried

The next day I logged into my Adsense account and I had over $10 in balance,
I was in shock! I ran to the WF and started a thread giving the exact steps and
services I used, thinking that it might help other newbies like me.

After a few hours I returned to the forum to read the replies and it was a
complete disaster, everyone was accusing me of spamming the forum like if I
worked for the traffic company and I was trying to take them for a ride LOL.

But one person did not follow the angry crowd and he started defending me
against them, lucky me when he wrote something at the WF, people read what he
had to say.

His nickname in the forum was Big Mike, and we started talking very often,
connected by a mutual passion: Programming.

He became my mentor, my boss, then my partner and one of my best friends in
the world. The idea behind Incansoft was very simple, high quality products with
top support at reasonable prices.

That's how Incansoft was created and now after 10 years is time to make a few
changes to bring back all the products that you love from us...

Product development, we won't focus on creating so many products as we tried
in the past, this way we can guarantee the best support and keep the products

No Refund policy is gone forever, in fact we won't get back to the 30 days
policy but instead I want to give a 60 day refund policy.

Time for us to give back...

Free products? Why not! Starting today we are launching the new Incansoft
membership site, it's a free membership that allows you to download all the
current products.

Go to:

Sign up, and receive a master serial key, you can use the key for all the
products, browse the catalog, find what you need and download it for free, very

I would love to hear from you, please help me decide the next product you
would like us to bring back so we can start working on it, reply to this email
with your thoughts and ideas.

All The Best,

Diego Hernando
Thank you for the share!
This should be pretty interesting...I used to be a big fan of Big Mike and Diego's products.

They got to the point that they were churning out a lot of stuff and not updating any of it - so most (of what I had at least) became pretty useless. It'll be interesting to see how they support their stuff this time around.
hmm... i remember i bought some incansoft products... but the free products seem abit lacking... iwhat happen to those paid products previously? all not supported anymore?
I bought stacks of their stuff - some worked ok for a while - some never seemed to run smoothly and then it all just seemed to fade away. Contact stopped, no updates and now this flurry and fanfare. I think it's a list building exercise and pretty soon they'll launch a new super dooper software at a special members price. Wonder what it will be and if it will work? I'm gonna find out. Funny I have to find out about this offer of theirs here and not receive a heads up from them as a repeat customer.

Thanks to OP
i totally agree with @Eidolon. we shall wait and see for now.
I am not impressed with the products they are offering.
Will give this a miss.
hm...product sale pages have no demo no image. I even don't know what I suppose to do with them...
Thanks for sharing this!
Reps added.
Great heads up....I am one who bought everything they sold and used none of it. I usually found myself initially impressed then had hard time seeing how their software would actually work and help my process. To be fair I was in full overwhelm breaking into the im space and can easily see how I was far from a good candidate for reviews but I did see myself finding other interfaces in other software easier to work. Who knows. Diego was super helpful working some installation issues I had, using team viewer on several sessions to iron out my system problems. SO I can attest to longevity and customer service. Consider how many lifetime update software I bought that turn around and become magically obsolete and forgotten only to arise as a new version to be bought again. Between Google updates and vendor shade tree tactics have lost a good 75% of all purchases. With over 9,000 spent on credit card and all the waste I am actually happy to hear they are giving it a renewed go at it.
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