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(02-27-2015 06:33 PM)basikz Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-22-2015 07:49 PM)bosslabs Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-22-2015 07:23 PM)basikz Wrote: [ -> ]I know some of you practice reiki and other forms of energy manipulation but I just want to warn you that by using these practices, you are opening yourself up to demon possession and attacks.

Be careful of using powers you do not understand.

Call upon Jesus Christ' name if you are experiencing any attacks.
Sorry I do not believe in man made religions. Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Satanic Church and all other religions are man made and fake. So take you bullshit agenda and stuff it up your Welcome
I don't understand what made you respond with such foolish bullshit. Was it because I said to call upon Jesus Christ?

You selectively chose to believe in reiki, so in some way you admit there is more to this world than what you can see.

The bible is ancient knowledge which has been passed down through centuries. The entire Old Testament is not to be taken literally, but is actually a secret bible code of hidden knowledge.

There is a reason why the secret societies and ancient mystery schools study the bible. Jesus Christ is real and Satan is real. Same thing with demons/spirits.. and that's what reiki does. Initiates you with a serpent spirit.

You don't have to believe me. Do the research yourself and make your own educated decision. I have no desire to convince every single one of you. I just want to warn the few that will heed the message.

Getting possessed by any kind of spirit is not fun. But a serpent spirit is going to F*** your life up. Guaranteed.

Trust me.

Or not, do what you want, but when your life is being plagued by constant setbacks and limitations and no matter how hard you work, nothing seems to go your way, you'll remember this post and the exact moment in time when you fucked up big time.

Don't say I didn't warn ya! Biggrin
Haha, you had me when you said a serpent spirit would fu ck up my life Biggrin

I know jesus christ is a person, who existed, but he was never " God" . He was never crucified and he never resurrected from the dead. Great story the bible tell us all, but sadly, it's just a story, not true. I am a christian (roman catholic to be precise) and yet I tell you what the bible tells you is fake. Satan does not exist too, it's all in your mind Tongue

So preach to the gullible , not to me, cos I see through all the bullshit religions tell you namely christianity, islam etc..
I can debate with you about this topic for as long as you want as I am very knowledgeable about this topic but I do not want to derail this thread. You on the other hand are one of the mindless "sheep" that chooses to be ignorant of the vast knowledge the world has to offer. Enjoy the torment.

I can almost guarantee that you are one of those scum that watched a few zeitgeist videos on youtube and think that they're smarter than the rest. Trust me, you have no idea how far away from the truth you are.

Roman catholics are not true Christians. They are a perversion and attempt to corrupt the true Christians, just like you. The pope and the vatican, and many others in the roman catholic church are Satan worshippers and perform dark rituals. They are not a true representative of the Christian faith.

I do not have time to hold your hand and educate you about every little thing so do your own research and make your own decision. As long as my warning helped one or two of you from getting possessed, it will be worth it.

As for you bosslabs - When your life has gone to shit, remember I told you so :)
I have been interested in ancient societies for years and different forms of healing. I also have friends who are Reiki masters,(for real) in clinics. I have been to many a meditation session where the Reiki masters bring in angels and archangels, maybe these angels were not who they said they were. The point is, Reiki is for healing through a higher power, Cool or the higher God or the higher purpose. It is impossible to do Reiki without consulting various forms of energies. These 'energies' can be negative or positive, yin or yang, good and evil. That is what exists in the world. I have always dabbled in hypnosis, remote influence, and I swear by the healing of Reiki and wanted more and more healing, mainly for wealth creation. It is not meant to be just wealth abundance but abundance of everything good. Many people claim to owe their success to NLP, Reiki, Law of attraction, hypnosis etc and for what its worth, they don't appear demon possessed. They all think they are light workers who are trying to wake the world up. Reiki masters are great healers but for some it is a calling, as one of my Reiki friends battled from childhood with 'voices inside her head' , bit like the film sixth sense. She feels the dark energies which she jokingly calls the matrix and can actually sense something there. She asked me once if I was alight and i told her I had a real pain in my arm to which she said was due to a dark energy around it. A couple of them performed reiki and I felt so much better, having had it done on me.

The point is, whether you 'invite' energies in, you need to work with the dark energies to get rid of them, to ease them out like a gentle exorcist' in order to 'cleanse' the body and bring in the light energies. That is the so called demonic presence that you might be referring to. I have been bad now and then, and would go as far as saying that I needed blocks removed,(reiki healers will know what I mean) Once while we were shopping in Glastonbury, the Reiki masters stopped me buying spell potions for wealth creation in a shop called the Cauldron. They said I was only asking for trouble, meaning I didn't know what powers I would be dealing with. You have to be careful, but like everything, its all in the intention. If your methods are intentionally bad, you will incur dark energies and the opposite if you wish to heal. Healers can only be a good thing as their intentions are good. What about people who have never so much as lit a candle or meditated to anything their whole life, like corporate CEO's who bleed the country dry and people who commit mass murder, are they all demon possessed? Maybe they do perform rituals, who knows, but what were their intentions? Only to cause harm.

So, healing,as long as the intention is right, is a good thing, regardless of whether you are doing it through heightened meditation or a concoction of fingernails and puppy hair?
Yes they are "healing" you by calling upon what many call a spirit guide but what is more commonly known as a DEMON. Many demons disguise themselves as spirits of light in order to deceive.

Even with the best of intentions, once you open yourself up to spirits you will find yourself open to attacks. The only way reiki works is if you give permission to another person to send a spirit to possess you and initiate you. That is why they will sometimes ask for pictures or other personal information so that they have a "link" to you. Distance is not a barrier in energy rituals.

It is not a question of IF you will get attacked, but WHEN. You will start to see things in the shadows, hear noises in the night, and see gruesome and horrific images in your mind when you close your eyes. And that is only the beginning. Any business you own and any finances you may have will start to disappear. All of your relationships will be affected. You will be attacked by the spirit of setback and limitations. Nothing you do will help you get further in life. All because of demonic attacks. Their only job is to torment you and destroy your life. Period.

There is only one way to stop the demons and their attacks. That is by calling upon the name of Jesus Christ.

There is no other way. No spells, no amulets of protection, no amount of sage or salt can protect you. If you are experiencing any attacks or feel like you might be, give a sincere prayer and give Jesus Christ a try. Just hearing his name causes demons to flee. See how fast relief will come to you. Good luck.
Also, I can tell by the vocabulary you use, that you believe in the Law of Attraction, Law of Intentions, and that everyone is a God in-and-of themselves. This is not true. We are not Gods, we just have the consciousness of God (breath of God) in all of us. To think that any human being is a God would be absolutely ridiculous.

I spent years into researching the Secret and the Law of Attraction, just as you probably have. What you are being taught in these books are essentially rituals. These "thoughts of intent/desire" is your spell/ritual. You are then told to "feed" this intention by feelings of intense happiness and expectancy of your intent manifesting in your life. You do the same thing in witchcraft rituals where you need to feed your spells and rituals energy by either sacrificing an animal and using their blood or by using song and dance.

There is a missing link to the Law of Attraction method that only a few know about. That is why this secret works so well with them and them only. Unfortunately, in order to get that secret, you must be literally willing to sell your soul. NOT WORTH IT in my opinion.

As for your friend that hears voices in her head, those are not "friendly" spirits. They are demons as well. They will torment her and drive her insane if she does not know how to control them. Advise her to call upon Jesus Christ name. That will silence them.

Intentions are important yes, but only go so far. You cannot control demons. You do not have any power over them. They will only agree to do your bidding in your lifetime if you sign your soul over to them or by appeasing them with live sacrifices. Once the sacrifices stop, the demons will turn on you and they will destroy your life.

There are many magicians, actors, artists, entertainers, that have sold their soul for money, power, and fame. They have been given special talents through demon possession, which will last their lifetime. Once they die, their souls belong to Satan and is collected.

But you do not need to be possessed by evil spirits to be influenced by them. That is why it is wise to protect yourself. Stay away from any spells, witchcraft, rituals, ouija boards, black magick, chaos magick, voodoo, curses, hexes, etc. There is a war going on right in front of your eyes, not against guns or swords but against spirits and principalities. The prize? Your soul.

Educate yourself and call upon Jesus Christ for salvation.
We are what we think. All that we think manifests our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world what we think of. -- Buddha.

What's is your purpose of preaching your religious views? Who cares about satan, if our purpose of the community here is to help out each other.

It's their own business if they want to involve things with evil intentions, if you are not helping out, you better not to discourage people to learn things that truly benefits their life.

Call only upon yourself for Salvation (Your thoughts is the most powerful tool you ever had). Relying on religion is the ultimate weakness. Peace out.
Shifu, Thank you so much.
I received the certificate a days ago, as I forgot to check. You are a great person to share this, and the certificate is very nice. Thanks.
Shifu thanks for the fast delivery of the beautiful and authentic looking certificate.
I´m just going through the course!
great share:)
Shifu...thanks for the fast delivery of my certificate, got in in less than 24 hours...THANKS..Reps added
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