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Full Version: [REQ] Sean Mize - Final Offer
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I just saw that Sean Mize is selling PLR rights to all the products in his sales funnel for the last time. This is not the offer for the PLR to his WSOs which he sold a couple of months ago.

I'm on his list and the last time he made this offer, it cost $500. Now he's offering it for the price of a WSO.

Sales page:
Bump for this
Its like $70 now... But yeah, I'ma be on this. Does anybody has his WSO PLR as well?
Lets do a GB on this bruh! Hit me up tho, this is some good ish!
Sean Mize is a solid IM'er..... just sayin'
Thanks wrath, much appreciated.
(02-09-2015 07:12 PM)manythanks Wrote: [ -> ]Sean Mize is a solid IM'er..... just sayin'
Solid W-Shit-Oer maybe. Most of his products are the same thing packaged differently, and while that is no surprise, it's usually audio format that isn't even edited so you have to listen to a bunch of nonsense to get any nugget if there is any. He doesn't waste time building out real courses because people just eat his stuff up without even paying attention to what they are buying. The ones who do pay attention refund straight away. He spits out basic rehashed infosense.
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