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Hi @ORIGINALL - is this still available. Can you PM me the link please?
Bump for this
Would someone please re-up on mega? thanks!
Another bump
Would someone please re-up this to mega? thanks.
I am uploading it right now, will be at pcloud - since it is 5GB big, it takes some time - about 12 hours it should be ready!
Thanks a lot (in advance) coenergy for taking the time to re-up this!
Here is the link - it is mega because PCloud always crashed during the upload process!1BVTwICK!Ryn7GCnoj1NfL...OMn7Ygaayw

Maybe someone can reply if it works since I am not so used to mega

Password is the usual BBHF Password
Thanks coenery, you rock! It worked, not downloaded yet but it imported just fine into mega.
Trying to download now, hoping for the best, thanks for one amazing share!
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