02-06-2015, 03:24 AM
Sale http://codecanyon.net/item/visual-compos...ns/7190695
Demo http://tekanewascripts.info/composer/?preview
Version 4.3.7
- Added option to "TS Image Basic Overlay" element to define responsive width in percent of column width and element alignment
- Changed tooltip feature for "TS Image Basic Overlay" element to use the more advanced ToolTipster script
- Fixed "transition is not defined error" in "Polaroid Stack" layout in "TS Image Gallery" element due to missing JS file
- Fixed CSS layout issue for control elements when position "center bottom" in "Polaroid Stack" layout in "TS Image Gallery" element
- Restored custom lightbox background color functionality which broke with v4.3.6
- Restored missing toggle styling for "Iconicum" icon generator feature
Version 4.3.6
- Fixed "Polaroid Stack" layout in "TS Image Gallery" element not rendering on WP 4.5.x
- Fixed issue with "TS Image Gallery" element where "Rectangle Grid Layout" does not initialize when using external images as source
- Added additional trim() routine to link target attributes to remove leading space character added by Visual Composer
Version 4.3.5
- Fixed error message "$row_styles" undefined for some row background types on mobile devices
Version 4.3.4
- Fixed issue with "TS Fancy Tabs" element in backend editor where WP 4.5 triggers a "Syntax error, unrecognized expression" error due to jQuery 1.12.1
Version 4.3.3
- Changed lightbox to only close "info/about" section (if opened) when using "ESC" button, instead of closing whole lightbox
- Fixed issue in lightbox where lightbox sometimes remains "stuck" on last image when "Simple Fade" transition has been used
- Improved pinch module in lightbox when image is shown after enlarging it via "plus" icon and hammer.js v2.x is used
- Fixed "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property buttonPin of undefined" in lightbox social share button for Pinterest
- Added check to underlying "Circle Steps" script to stop executing if no steps have been added to element (would otherwise cause critical JS error)
- Fixed URL output for "TS Image Link Grid" element when using group builder data entry option
- Fixed issue in "TS Figure Navigation" element when clicking on link button in menu items does not work when menu itself is opened/closed via click event
- Fixed notice for undefined variable "id_width" in "ts_vcsc_parameter_advancedsetting.php" file
- Fixed issue in elements with advanced styling parameters when using German or Spanish language domain, where some generated CSS code is accidentially translated
- Fixed issue in "TS Image Hotspot" element where disabling responsive hotspot sizes and selecting the fixed large size prevents the pulse effect from working
- Other CSS + JS Improvements
Version 4.3.2
- Fixed error message "$row_styles" undefined for some row background types on mobile devices
- Fixed fatal "undefined function get_current_screen()" error on some admin pages when using the 3rd party "MyCurator" plugin
- Changed internal PHP function "TS_VCSC_MinifyHTML" to not use anonymous callback for "preg_replace_callback()" to allow usage on PHP versions less than 5.3.0
Version 4.3.1
- Added option to "TS Image iHover" element to define custom color for content background layer
- Added option to "TS Modal Popup" element to define tooltip entry/exit animation
- Added option to "TS Content Flip" to define how front/back title should be wrapped (H1 - H6)
- Fixed error message "Undefined variable: table_defaults" for "TS Inspired Pricing" element
- Fixed issue with external row background images not rendering for some background types
- Fixed array error message in "ts_vcsc_paramater_viewportoffset.php" file in extended row settings
- Fixed autoplay not working for "TS Image Full" element when using slideshow feature
Version 4.3.0
- Added new element "TS Textblock Advanced"
- Added new element "TS Wave Fill Gauge"
- Added new element "TS Icon Flex Button"
- Added new element "TS Image 3D TiltFX"
- Added new element "TS Inspired Pricing Table"
- Renamed existing element "TS Pricing Table" to "TS Basic Pricing Table"
- Added option to "TS Almost Anything Slider" element to select between OwlSlider or SlickSlider
- Stopped "TS Almost Anything Slider" element from loading some unneccessary extra CSS files
- Added option to "TS Font Icons" element to be used for in-page navigation with smooth scroll
- Added option to "TS Font Icons" element to apply an inifinite (endless) CSS3 animation
- Added options to "TS Font Icons" element to define custom top and bottom margin
- Changed tooltip feature for "TS Font Icons" element to use the more advanced ToolTipster script
- Fixed hover animation for "TS Font Icons" element not getting applied correctly
- Added option to all button/link elements to be used for in-page navigation with smooth scroll
- Fixed issue with all button/link elements where tooltip theme selection did not save
- Added option to "TS Icon Flat Button" element to define entry/exit animation for tooltip
- Added option to "TS Creative Links" element to define entry/exit animation for tooltip
- Added option to "TS Video Youtube" element to define entry/exit animation for tooltip
- Added option to "TS Social Networks" element to define entry/exit animation for tooltip
- Added option to "TS Icon Box" element to define entry/exit animation for tooltip
- Added option to "TS Dual Buttons" element to define entry/exit animation for tooltip
- Added option to "TS Dual Buttons" element to define viewport animation for each button and separator
- Added option to "TS Icon Box" element to define custom theme color for tooltip and enabled/disable tooltip arrow
- Added option to "TS Fancy List" element to use font selector
- Added option to "TS Image Gallery" element to disable the hover rotate effect for the honeycombs layout
- Added option to "TS Google Charts" element to define legend position for "column" and "line" layouts
- Fixed issue with some elements where setting a different tooltip color style did not safe correctly in VC v4.8.x or higher
- Fixed issue in "TS Google Maps PLUS" element where using the group filter did not correctly zoom/scale map
- Added 22 additional icons to "Social Media Font"
- Added support for "VKontakte" and "Wikipedia" to "TS Social Networks" element
- "TS Image Lightbox" element will now automatically pull the ALT information set in WordPress if no custom ALT string provided
- "TS Image Adipoli" element will now automatically pull the ALT information set in WordPress if no custom ALT string provided
- Changed tooltip feature for "TS Image Adipoli" element to use the more advanced ToolTipster script
- "TS Image Switch" element will now automatically pull the ALT information set in WordPress if no custom ALT string provided
- Changed tooltip feature for "TS Image Switch" element to use the more advanced ToolTipster script
- Added new layout "Slick Image Slider (No Thumbnails)" to "TS Image Gallery" element
- Added new layout "Slick Image Slider (With Thumbnails)" to "TS Image Gallery" element
- "TS Image Gallery" element will now check if there is an image for each entered title/alt string (fixed issue with phantom images)
- Added option to hotspots in "TS Image Hotspots" element to use viewport entry animation (with optional delay)
- Added option to "TS Figure Navigation" element to be used for in-page navigation with smooth scroll
- Added option to "TS Figure Navigation" element to either push page content below or place items on top of content
- Added option to "TS Figure Navigation" element to show or hide box-shadow for each item
- Added option to "TS Figure Navigation" element to use without displaying the name sake figure handle at the top
- Changed tooltip feature for "TS Figure Navigation" element to use the more advanced ToolTipster script
- Added option to WooCommerce "Basic Products Image Grid" to define size of preview image based on WordPress settings
- Added option to "TS Image Link Grid" to either provide required data via repeatable group settings or as quick entry via text areas
- Restored missing play buttons for "TS Video HTML5" and "TS Audio HTML5" elements on mobile devices
- Modified extended row settings to ignore a min-height setting of 0 (zero) to prevent conflicts with native full height option in VC
- Added some additional shapes to row separator options
- Added option to extended row settings to use an external image as background
- Added option to extended row settings to add fixed back- and foreground layers to the animated image for parallax and automove backgrounds
- "VC Widgets" post type has been renamed to "VC Templates" post types to hightlight extended functionality
- "VC Templates" post type has been set to private and Visual Composer will automatically be enabled for it
- Custom CSS code used in "VC Templates" posts will now automatically be minified on frontend
- Added feature to "TS VC Template" element to provide direct edit link to widget/template post within VC controls
- VC Templates added to the sidebar on the widgets page now also show a link to edit the selected widget/template directly
- Custom CSS and JS code entered in the plugin's custom code editors will also be minified on frontend
- Any styling rules generated through elements (shortcodes) will also be minified
- All element icons are now combined in one single sprite image for faster loading and less server requests
- Modified the tooltipster.js script to allow for custom theme settings for individual tooltips
- Modified the lightbox script to trigger a browser event whenever the lightbox opens (to be used for the modal popup to then trigger a browser resize event)
- Fixed issue with Templatera plugin, where VC is showing a non-functioning plus icon instead of the Templatera icon when editing posts
- Updated Font Awesome Font to v4.5.0 (adding an additional 20 icons)
- Fixed stylesheets for internal VC icon fonts not loading anymore on icon preview and generator setting pages
- Fixed issue with theme editor for EnlighterJS Syntax Highlighter not correctly rendering custom CSS
- Removed reliance on flash based zclipboard.js to JS only clipboard.js script for icon shortcode generator (copy shortcode + HTML code)
- Modified structure of settings page to better guide users to element relevant sections
- Switched from Messi script to SweetAlert script for internal popups (alerts, warnings, errors, etc.)
- Other CSS + JS Improvements
- Updated EN/DE .po/.mo language files
Demo http://tekanewascripts.info/composer/?preview
Version 4.3.7
- Added option to "TS Image Basic Overlay" element to define responsive width in percent of column width and element alignment
- Changed tooltip feature for "TS Image Basic Overlay" element to use the more advanced ToolTipster script
- Fixed "transition is not defined error" in "Polaroid Stack" layout in "TS Image Gallery" element due to missing JS file
- Fixed CSS layout issue for control elements when position "center bottom" in "Polaroid Stack" layout in "TS Image Gallery" element
- Restored custom lightbox background color functionality which broke with v4.3.6
- Restored missing toggle styling for "Iconicum" icon generator feature
Version 4.3.6
- Fixed "Polaroid Stack" layout in "TS Image Gallery" element not rendering on WP 4.5.x
- Fixed issue with "TS Image Gallery" element where "Rectangle Grid Layout" does not initialize when using external images as source
- Added additional trim() routine to link target attributes to remove leading space character added by Visual Composer
Version 4.3.5
- Fixed error message "$row_styles" undefined for some row background types on mobile devices
Version 4.3.4
- Fixed issue with "TS Fancy Tabs" element in backend editor where WP 4.5 triggers a "Syntax error, unrecognized expression" error due to jQuery 1.12.1
Version 4.3.3
- Changed lightbox to only close "info/about" section (if opened) when using "ESC" button, instead of closing whole lightbox
- Fixed issue in lightbox where lightbox sometimes remains "stuck" on last image when "Simple Fade" transition has been used
- Improved pinch module in lightbox when image is shown after enlarging it via "plus" icon and hammer.js v2.x is used
- Fixed "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property buttonPin of undefined" in lightbox social share button for Pinterest
- Added check to underlying "Circle Steps" script to stop executing if no steps have been added to element (would otherwise cause critical JS error)
- Fixed URL output for "TS Image Link Grid" element when using group builder data entry option
- Fixed issue in "TS Figure Navigation" element when clicking on link button in menu items does not work when menu itself is opened/closed via click event
- Fixed notice for undefined variable "id_width" in "ts_vcsc_parameter_advancedsetting.php" file
- Fixed issue in elements with advanced styling parameters when using German or Spanish language domain, where some generated CSS code is accidentially translated
- Fixed issue in "TS Image Hotspot" element where disabling responsive hotspot sizes and selecting the fixed large size prevents the pulse effect from working
- Other CSS + JS Improvements
Version 4.3.2
- Fixed error message "$row_styles" undefined for some row background types on mobile devices
- Fixed fatal "undefined function get_current_screen()" error on some admin pages when using the 3rd party "MyCurator" plugin
- Changed internal PHP function "TS_VCSC_MinifyHTML" to not use anonymous callback for "preg_replace_callback()" to allow usage on PHP versions less than 5.3.0
Version 4.3.1
- Added option to "TS Image iHover" element to define custom color for content background layer
- Added option to "TS Modal Popup" element to define tooltip entry/exit animation
- Added option to "TS Content Flip" to define how front/back title should be wrapped (H1 - H6)
- Fixed error message "Undefined variable: table_defaults" for "TS Inspired Pricing" element
- Fixed issue with external row background images not rendering for some background types
- Fixed array error message in "ts_vcsc_paramater_viewportoffset.php" file in extended row settings
- Fixed autoplay not working for "TS Image Full" element when using slideshow feature
Version 4.3.0
- Added new element "TS Textblock Advanced"
- Added new element "TS Wave Fill Gauge"
- Added new element "TS Icon Flex Button"
- Added new element "TS Image 3D TiltFX"
- Added new element "TS Inspired Pricing Table"
- Renamed existing element "TS Pricing Table" to "TS Basic Pricing Table"
- Added option to "TS Almost Anything Slider" element to select between OwlSlider or SlickSlider
- Stopped "TS Almost Anything Slider" element from loading some unneccessary extra CSS files
- Added option to "TS Font Icons" element to be used for in-page navigation with smooth scroll
- Added option to "TS Font Icons" element to apply an inifinite (endless) CSS3 animation
- Added options to "TS Font Icons" element to define custom top and bottom margin
- Changed tooltip feature for "TS Font Icons" element to use the more advanced ToolTipster script
- Fixed hover animation for "TS Font Icons" element not getting applied correctly
- Added option to all button/link elements to be used for in-page navigation with smooth scroll
- Fixed issue with all button/link elements where tooltip theme selection did not save
- Added option to "TS Icon Flat Button" element to define entry/exit animation for tooltip
- Added option to "TS Creative Links" element to define entry/exit animation for tooltip
- Added option to "TS Video Youtube" element to define entry/exit animation for tooltip
- Added option to "TS Social Networks" element to define entry/exit animation for tooltip
- Added option to "TS Icon Box" element to define entry/exit animation for tooltip
- Added option to "TS Dual Buttons" element to define entry/exit animation for tooltip
- Added option to "TS Dual Buttons" element to define viewport animation for each button and separator
- Added option to "TS Icon Box" element to define custom theme color for tooltip and enabled/disable tooltip arrow
- Added option to "TS Fancy List" element to use font selector
- Added option to "TS Image Gallery" element to disable the hover rotate effect for the honeycombs layout
- Added option to "TS Google Charts" element to define legend position for "column" and "line" layouts
- Fixed issue with some elements where setting a different tooltip color style did not safe correctly in VC v4.8.x or higher
- Fixed issue in "TS Google Maps PLUS" element where using the group filter did not correctly zoom/scale map
- Added 22 additional icons to "Social Media Font"
- Added support for "VKontakte" and "Wikipedia" to "TS Social Networks" element
- "TS Image Lightbox" element will now automatically pull the ALT information set in WordPress if no custom ALT string provided
- "TS Image Adipoli" element will now automatically pull the ALT information set in WordPress if no custom ALT string provided
- Changed tooltip feature for "TS Image Adipoli" element to use the more advanced ToolTipster script
- "TS Image Switch" element will now automatically pull the ALT information set in WordPress if no custom ALT string provided
- Changed tooltip feature for "TS Image Switch" element to use the more advanced ToolTipster script
- Added new layout "Slick Image Slider (No Thumbnails)" to "TS Image Gallery" element
- Added new layout "Slick Image Slider (With Thumbnails)" to "TS Image Gallery" element
- "TS Image Gallery" element will now check if there is an image for each entered title/alt string (fixed issue with phantom images)
- Added option to hotspots in "TS Image Hotspots" element to use viewport entry animation (with optional delay)
- Added option to "TS Figure Navigation" element to be used for in-page navigation with smooth scroll
- Added option to "TS Figure Navigation" element to either push page content below or place items on top of content
- Added option to "TS Figure Navigation" element to show or hide box-shadow for each item
- Added option to "TS Figure Navigation" element to use without displaying the name sake figure handle at the top
- Changed tooltip feature for "TS Figure Navigation" element to use the more advanced ToolTipster script
- Added option to WooCommerce "Basic Products Image Grid" to define size of preview image based on WordPress settings
- Added option to "TS Image Link Grid" to either provide required data via repeatable group settings or as quick entry via text areas
- Restored missing play buttons for "TS Video HTML5" and "TS Audio HTML5" elements on mobile devices
- Modified extended row settings to ignore a min-height setting of 0 (zero) to prevent conflicts with native full height option in VC
- Added some additional shapes to row separator options
- Added option to extended row settings to use an external image as background
- Added option to extended row settings to add fixed back- and foreground layers to the animated image for parallax and automove backgrounds
- "VC Widgets" post type has been renamed to "VC Templates" post types to hightlight extended functionality
- "VC Templates" post type has been set to private and Visual Composer will automatically be enabled for it
- Custom CSS code used in "VC Templates" posts will now automatically be minified on frontend
- Added feature to "TS VC Template" element to provide direct edit link to widget/template post within VC controls
- VC Templates added to the sidebar on the widgets page now also show a link to edit the selected widget/template directly
- Custom CSS and JS code entered in the plugin's custom code editors will also be minified on frontend
- Any styling rules generated through elements (shortcodes) will also be minified
- All element icons are now combined in one single sprite image for faster loading and less server requests
- Modified the tooltipster.js script to allow for custom theme settings for individual tooltips
- Modified the lightbox script to trigger a browser event whenever the lightbox opens (to be used for the modal popup to then trigger a browser resize event)
- Fixed issue with Templatera plugin, where VC is showing a non-functioning plus icon instead of the Templatera icon when editing posts
- Updated Font Awesome Font to v4.5.0 (adding an additional 20 icons)
- Fixed stylesheets for internal VC icon fonts not loading anymore on icon preview and generator setting pages
- Fixed issue with theme editor for EnlighterJS Syntax Highlighter not correctly rendering custom CSS
- Removed reliance on flash based zclipboard.js to JS only clipboard.js script for icon shortcode generator (copy shortcode + HTML code)
- Modified structure of settings page to better guide users to element relevant sections
- Switched from Messi script to SweetAlert script for internal popups (alerts, warnings, errors, etc.)
- Other CSS + JS Improvements
- Updated EN/DE .po/.mo language files