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Full Version: [GROUP BUY] - codecanyon-8009527-world-cup-livescore-script-limited-edition
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Pages: 1 2
[Image: 590x300.png]
Someone is interested in dividing the purchase me
we can buy it together if you want half you and me
friends to arrange the payment to buy the script

maladireta ---- confirmed - Paid - $2.2
voanhkhach -- confirmed - Paid - $2.2
amfibija55 --- confirmed - Paid - $2.2
mobo12 ------- confirmed - Paid - $2.2
M******C --- confirmed - Paid - $2.2

We need + 1 people to pay $ 2.2 to buy the script.
So far we have only two payments.

Paid [GROUP BUY] -

let's wait 01 more people interested and bought the script.
im in dudes
it interested
pls pm me
Also Count me in

seems to be good, will it work with Cricket ???
Interested, PM me bro!
Interested, PM me bro!
Interested, PM me bro!
OMFG!!!! A group buy for $11!!!!!
Pages: 1 2
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