Someone is interested in dividing the purchase me
we can buy it together if you want half you and me
friends to arrange the payment to buy the script
maladireta ---- confirmed -
Paid - $2.2
voanhkhach -- confirmed -
Paid - $2.2
amfibija55 --- confirmed -
Paid - $2.2
mobo12 ------- confirmed -
Paid - $2.2
M******C --- confirmed -
Paid - $2.2
We need + 1 people to pay $ 2.2 to buy the script.
So far we have only two payments.
Paid [GROUP BUY] -
let's wait 01 more people interested and bought the script.
Also Count me in
seems to be good, will it work with Cricket ???
OMFG!!!! A group buy for $11!!!!!